- Events
- Intranet Events
Calendar of Events
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An Introduction to Podcasting Workshop
An Introduction to Podcasting Workshop
Join this two-hour workshop to walk through the steps of creating a podcast: from planning, scripting, gathering music and sound effects. This session will provide instruction on free, open-source software called Audacity for recording and editing your podcast. After this workshop, you’ll be able to: Identify the steps for creating a podcast Recognize how to
4 events,
Data Skills Workshop: Data Visualization – Tableau Intro
Data Skills Workshop: Data Visualization – Tableau Intro
A picture is worth a thousand words! Especially when you don’t have to read the thousand words it would take to explain the patterns and trends in your data. There are many reasons why information is easier to explain, explore and convince in a visual format. This session will provide you with some introductory theory
Black History Month: In Conversation with Hon. Dr. Jean Augustine
Black History Month: In Conversation with Hon. Dr. Jean Augustine
Join the office of Diversity and Human Rights as we welcome the Hon. Dr. Jean Augustine to the University of Guelph in celebration of Black History Month! As the first African Canadian woman elected to the House of Commons, Augustine promotes diversity, empowers women and encourages civic engagement. She is the recipient of the Order
Data Skills Workshop: Data Visualization – Tableau – Intermediate
Data Skills Workshop: Data Visualization – Tableau – Intermediate
A picture is worth a thousand words! Especially when you don’t have to read the thousand words it would take to explain the patterns and trends in your data. There are many reasons why information is easier to explain, explore and convince in a visual format. This session will provide you with some introductory theory
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Take the Stress Out of IBS Workshop
Take the Stress Out of IBS Workshop
Learn strategies to decrease symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or a stressed stomach. This skills program, offered by the Stress Management Clinic and the dietitian at Student Health Services, meets weekly on Wednesdays, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., for five sessions. Registration: $20 for U of G students $50 for members of USW Local 4120 $100
Arboretum Workshop: Planetarium Program…What’s Up Tonight?
Arboretum Workshop: Planetarium Program…What’s Up Tonight?
Join guest instructor Trevor Chandler inside his planetarium for this amazing program (families welcome and encouraged). This planetarium series explores the planets, stars and constellations that are visible in the night sky this month. In the session, you’ll learn a few of the brighter constellations, as well as their mythology, in addition to the names
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Data Skills Workshop: Getting Data – All Types of Data
Data Skills Workshop: Getting Data – All Types of Data
How many different types of data are there? I need data for my project, where do I start looking? What’s most important about the data you want to find? Come and we’ll explore these questions together in this workshop. Strategies and resources for finding data will be introduced and developed. Some of our more popular
Tell a Story with Digital Media Workshop
Tell a Story with Digital Media Workshop
Digital storytelling can be used for explaining concepts, reflecting on an idea, retelling an event or making an argument. You will have the opportunity to try both the planning and technical aspects of digital storytelling. After this workshop, you’ll be able to: Describe what digital storytelling is Recognize how to write a script using best
Including Third Party Materials in OER and Scholarship Workshop
Including Third Party Materials in OER and Scholarship Workshop
As a part of Fair Dealing Week, the McLaughlin Library is proud to present a talk focused on open educational resources and scholarship. Join Meredith Jacob, project director for Creative Commons USA in the Scholars Studio (LIB 289)Â for a discussion on copyright issues relevant to teaching and research. This event is free, and is
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Arboretum Workshop: Winter Tree Identification
Arboretum Workshop: Winter Tree Identification
No leaves? No problem! In this workshop you will learn about the variety of tree features that are useful for winter identification of deciduous trees. From bark to buds to leaf scars…you will get hands-on experience in reading these winter clues to tree ID. We will focus on native Ontario trees, and we’ll be spending
CBG Seminar Series: Tracing the Patterns of Life on a Changing Planet
CBG Seminar Series: Tracing the Patterns of Life on a Changing Planet
Prof. Paul Hebert presents: Tracing the Patterns of Life on a Changing Planet Earth observation satellites are watching biodiversity from afar, providing a synoptic view of shifting forest cover, plankton blooms, and the timing of budburst. Until now, most essential biodiversity variables have only been resolved in a local context, but DNA-based approaches will soon
Open Educational Practices and Knowledge Mobilization
Open Educational Practices and Knowledge Mobilization
How can you build relationships with learners inside and outside the classroom? Join Ali Versluis, Open Educational Resources Librarian, to learn about open educational practices (OEP) and how they support knowledge mobilization. OEP is premised on the philosophy that teaching and learning processes are most valuable when done publicly and visibly by drawing on open
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Rebel Knowledge Symposium 2020
Rebel Knowledge Symposium 2020
Pre-registration now open! Register online. The Earth is on Fire! Moving from Climate Crisis to Climate Justice Join us Feb. 29 to Mar. 1 for Rebel Knowledge 2020! An annual OPIRG Guelph event, Rebel Knowledge is a social and environmental justice symposium that brings together activists, radical academics, critical researchers and community organizers to learn,
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3 events,
Designing and Creating Infographics Workshop
Designing and Creating Infographics Workshop
Infographics are a unique way to organize and showcase research or complicated information. This two-hour workshop will walk you through the steps for designing and creating an effective infographic including graphic design principles, accessibility considerations and an introduction to free tools for creation. After this workshop, you’ll be able to: Describe what an infographic is
Anxiety: Skills and Strategies Workshop
Anxiety: Skills and Strategies Workshop
Learn practical techniques, new tips and information on how to respond to the uncomfortable sensations of anxiety. This skills program meets weekly on Mondays from 7 to 8 p.m. for three sessions. Registration: $10 for U of G students $30 for members of USW Local 4120 $60 for all others
Black History Month Keynote: A Talk With Miss J. Alexander
Black History Month Keynote: A Talk With Miss J. Alexander
Hear the renowned J. Alexander - model, author, designer and former judge on America's Next Top Model - deliver a keynote address as the cornerstone event of Black History Month. Exploring how the intersections of blackness, gender, and femininity uniquely affect the lives of black queer folks, the keynote will focus on experiences with personal
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Data Skills Workshop: Data Analysis – Text Analysis using NLTK and Python
Data Skills Workshop: Data Analysis – Text Analysis using NLTK and Python
The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is a suite of libraries and programs used for mining and analyzing very large amounts of textual data using computational methods. This two-part workshop will introduce beginners interested in analyzing text to NLTK and common text analysis tasks. Whether you’re a literature scholar or a bioinformatics major researching your literature
Data Skills Workshop: Data Analysis – Text Analysis using NLTK and Python (part 2)
Data Skills Workshop: Data Analysis – Text Analysis using NLTK and Python (part 2)
The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is a suite of libraries and programs used for mining and analyzing very large amounts of textual data using computational methods. This two-part workshop will introduce beginners interested in analyzing text to NLTK and common text analysis tasks. Whether you’re a literature scholar or a bioinformatics major researching your literature
Control Academic Stress Workshop: Planning and Prioritizing
Control Academic Stress Workshop: Planning and Prioritizing
In this session, you will learn practical planning and prioritization strategies to help achieve school-work-life balance. The workshop will also review tools to use for short-term and long-term planning and strategies for self-care.
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Experience Guelph Job Fair 2020
Experience Guelph Job Fair 2020
The Experience Guelph Job Fair is an opportunity to meet employers who are actively recruiting students for summer, co-op and full-time job opportunities. All employers have active positions on Experience Guelph. Students of all programs and years are welcome to attend this fair. Why attend this job fair: Great opportunity for you to practice your
Playing With Pressbooks Publishing Software (Beginner) Workshop
Playing With Pressbooks Publishing Software (Beginner) Workshop
Do you have course notes, a textbook or other educational materials that you want to publish online? Are you unsure where to start or which tool to use? Come to this hands-on workshop to learn how to get started with Pressbooks, an easy and straightforward self-publishing software that can be used to create digital books,
Decreasing Headaches Workshop
Decreasing Headaches Workshop
Learn drug-free strategies to decrease tension and migraine headaches, and the pain of headaches. This skills program meets weekly on Wednesday evenings, 7:30 - 9 p.m. for four sessions. Registration: $20 for U of G students $60 for members of USW Local 4120 $120 for all others
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Designing and Creating Infographics Workshop
Designing and Creating Infographics Workshop
Infographics are a unique way to organize and showcase research or complicated information. This two-hour workshop will walk you through the steps for designing and creating an effective infographic including graphic design principles, accessibility considerations and an introduction to free tools for creation. After this workshop, you’ll be able to: Describe what an infographic is
Elder Jan Sherman: The Sacredness of Women
Elder Jan Sherman: The Sacredness of Women
Join Elder Jan Sherman as she discusses the 'The Sacredness of Women'. In support of International Women's Day, Jan will discuss relevant topics around the sacredness of women through the sharing of traditional Anishinaabe Teachings.
Arboretum Workshop: Winter Invertebrates – Cold and Spineless
Arboretum Workshop: Winter Invertebrates – Cold and Spineless
In winter’s frigid grasp, insects, spiders and other invertebrates seem to vanish from the surface of the earth. Knowing what to look for and where to find these hidden creatures make cold-weather expeditions far more enjoyable. During this half-day program, we will search for goldenrod gallfly larvae and caterpillars that hide in burrs, learn how
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Improve Life Challenge: Hack the Farm
Improve Life Challenge: Hack the Farm
The Improve Life Challenge: Hack the Farm is a one-day immersive experience where interdisciplinary student teams will work together with community partners to tackle real problems and come up with possible solutions. At the end of the day, student teams will present their solution in a pitch-style competition. This year, the Improve Life Challenge is
International Women’s Day: Research and Revolt Conference
International Women’s Day: Research and Revolt Conference
In honour of International Women's Day, the Research Facility for Women's Health and Wellbeing (Psychology Department) will be holding the fourth annual two-day interdisciplinary conference to showcase innovative research related to women and girls. Stay tuned for our call for abstracts in January! Friday, March 6: Keynote address from Prof. Paulina Garcia-Del Moral (Department of
International Women’s Day Noon Hour Concert: LIZA
International Women’s Day Noon Hour Concert: LIZA
In celebration of International Women's Day, take in a noon-hour concert featuring Toronto-based R&B artist, LIZA. Liza (pronounced Lee-za) is an R&B singer/songwriter. Born and raised in Toronto, Liza grew up in a traditional Ethiopian household immersed with the Ethiopian musical culture. After beginning to play piano and write poems at the age of 11,
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Women in Climate Action Networking Lunch
Women in Climate Action Networking Lunch
Hosted purposefully on International Women’s Day, the goal of the event is to bring together all of the incredible women in our community working to fight the climate crisis and celebrate their leadership while encouraging the cultivation of intergenerational connections. This event is free, but registration is required. Lunch will be provided. Presented by: Youth
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Advantage Workshop: Innovation Toolkit
Advantage Workshop: Innovation Toolkit
This workshop enables researchers and their teams to elevate their dynamic problem solving and communication systems to realize the full value of every team member’s contribution. By embracing new ways of problem-solving and assessing risk, workshop participants will turn their ideas into valuable and well-considered solutions. In this workshop, research teams will: Develop skills related
Pitch Yourself Workshop: How to Develop and Film a Pitch Video
Pitch Yourself Workshop: How to Develop and Film a Pitch Video
Film a pitch video to document your employability skills and stand out to employers! This two-hour workshop will provide you with the necessary skills in scripting and filming a pitch video. Participants will have the chance to watch and assess examples, while also scripting their own. Participants will also be provided with tips on filming
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Exhibit Launch – Illuminating Life: Manuscript Pages of the Middle Ages
Exhibit Launch – Illuminating Life: Manuscript Pages of the Middle Ages
Following From Parchment to Pixels colloquium, we are launching our newest exhibit, Illuminating Life: Manuscript Pages of the Middle Ages. At the launch you'll get to browse the new exhibition and be addressed by members of the University community, including: Prof. Susannah Ferreira, history Melissa McAfee, special collections librarian Amanda Etches, associate university librarian, research
Slice of Entrepreneurship
Slice of Entrepreneurship
Learn about exciting entrepreneurship opportunities on campus! Check out products and meet successful founders from real U of G startups and enjoy a free slice of pizza.
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Presentation Boot Camp
Presentation Boot Camp
Presentation Boot Camp is for students who would like to learn more about presentation skills and strategies to use in academic settings. This half-day workshop features a series of hands-on sessions, including voice and speech clarity, audience engagement and slide design.
Music Symposium 2020: Keynote – Prof. Marta McCarthy
Music Symposium 2020: Keynote – Prof. Marta McCarthy
The 14th Annual Music Symposium Keynote Speaker: Prof. Marta McCarthy (Music Department, University of Guelph) "Wellness for Musicians in Six Songs" Presentation and discussion. Free event
Allyship Workshop
Allyship Workshop
Allyship is difficult for many of us; sometimes our best intentions inadvertently cause harm to those we sought to support. Knowing how to engage in ally behaviour that is respectful and effective takes effort and thoughtfulness, and it is a skill that we need to continually learn and refine. During this workshop, attendees will learn
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Control Academic Stress Workshop: Learning from Failure
Control Academic Stress Workshop: Learning from Failure
In this session, we will discuss how failure affects us and how we can learn from failure. We will learn strategies to help us cope with failure and identify how experiencing failure can help us in the future.
Accessibility Town Hall
Accessibility Town Hall
This event is an opportunity to share your concerns about physical accessibility on campus and speak to key decision makers. If you have experienced barriers to accessing certain buildings or routes on campus, including issues with snow or ice, this is a great opportunity to be heard and help brainstorm solutions. If you can’t make
From Parchment to Pixels – Manuscripts Colloquium
From Parchment to Pixels – Manuscripts Colloquium
You're invited to attend From Parchment to Pixels, a colloquium sponsored by the McLaughlin Library, the College of Arts and the Humanities Interdisciplinary Collaboration (THINC) Lab. The colloquium will provide a forum for discussion on the role books played in the medieval world and the world of today. University of Guelph history and art history
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CBG Seminar Series: Community-Based Research with Indigenous Peoples – Notes and Reflections
CBG Seminar Series: Community-Based Research with Indigenous Peoples – Notes and Reflections
Thomas Mcllwraith is a cultural anthropologist in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Guelph. He conducts research with Indigenous communities and individuals in British Columbia. Together with communities, Mcllwraith works to document territory, understand food and resource harvesting practices, and to help Elders and families prepare life histories. His work also includes an
Reproducibility and Open Science Workshop
Reproducibility and Open Science Workshop
The Reproducibility Crisis is ongoing in the sciences, and concerns the inability to reproduce the results of scientific studies. One of the proposed solutions to the crisis is the Open Science Movement. The goal of this movement is that by making science more accessible to all levels of society, we can increase the quality of
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POSTPONED: TEDxGuelphU – Intended to Innovate
POSTPONED: TEDxGuelphU – Intended to Innovate
- This event has been postponed - Join us for TEDxGuelphU's 11th annual TEDx conference, "Intended to Innovate". We bring together a panel of speakers from the community and the University to offer their expertise on innovation and ideas worth spreading. Lunch and transportation to and from the University of Guelph will be provided. Buy
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– CANCELLED – Panel: Nurturing Personal and Professional Communities in Academia
– CANCELLED – Panel: Nurturing Personal and Professional Communities in Academia
A Live Work Well Research Centre panel discussing strategies and challenges of working and living through commitments for building communities and social justice. Explore issues related to the additional expectations and invisible labour put on certain faculty, such as women, people of colour and Indigenous people. The panel will be moderated by Indira Naidoo-Harris, AVP
– CANCELLED – Playing With Pressbooks Publishing Software Workshop (Intermediate)
– CANCELLED – Playing With Pressbooks Publishing Software Workshop (Intermediate)
- This event has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience -Â Do you have course notes, a textbook or other educational materials that you want to publish online? Are you unsure of where to start or which tool to use? Come to this hands-on workshop to learn how to get the most out of
– POSTPONED – Arboretum Planetarium Workshop: All About Mars
– POSTPONED – Arboretum Planetarium Workshop: All About Mars
- This event has been postponed. Please visit the Arboretum's website for more information -Â Join guest instructor Trevor Chandler inside his planetarium for this amazing program (families welcome and encouraged). The red planet Mars will be well positioned for observation in fall 2020. In advance of this opportunity, this show provides an opportunity to
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– CANCELLED – The Beginner’s Guide to Animated Videos Workshop
– CANCELLED – The Beginner’s Guide to Animated Videos Workshop
- This event has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience -Â Animated videos are a great way to engage your audience, share information and make information more "digestible." This session will provide instruction on free animation software called PowToon that is quick and easy to use. Learn tips and tools to plan and storyboard
Control Academic Stress Workshop: Coping with Exam Stress
Control Academic Stress Workshop: Coping with Exam Stress
Feeling anxious about tests and exams? In this session, we will discuss strategies to help you cope with exam anxiety while preparing for exams.
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3 events,
– CANCELLED – College Royal Open House
– CANCELLED – College Royal Open House
- This event has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience -Â Our 96th Year! Sailing the Royal Seas March 21 to 22 Highlighted Events: Old Mac's new farm, cat and dog shows, visual art show, colouring contest, kid's carnival, pancake flip, livestock shows, square dancing competition, junior tractor rodeo, logging competition, tug of war,
– CANCELLED – Celebration of Life and Learning
– CANCELLED – Celebration of Life and Learning
- This event has been cancelled - U of G’s human anatomy program holds a tribute for those who graciously donated their bodies to the University for educational and research purposes. The Celebration of Life and Learning Service gives faculty, staff and students involved in the program the opportunity to show their respect and gratitude
-CANCELLED- “The Singing Spirit” a Concert presented by the U of G Choirs
-CANCELLED- “The Singing Spirit” a Concert presented by the U of G Choirs
- This event has been cancelled - The University of Guelph Choirs will sing music from a wide range of styles, including the world premiere of The Farmer Needs the Rain by Roy Forbes, in a choral setting by Larry Nickel. This is a Relaxed Performance, meaning that accessibility for all is a priority. Join
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– Cancelled – Master of Landscape Architecture Conference
– Cancelled – Master of Landscape Architecture Conference
- This event has been cancelled - The annual Master of Landscape Architecture Conference highlights landscape architecture thesis presentations that provide an insight into contemporary research by final semester graduate students. This year's event is also in conjunction with the Landscape Architecture guest lecture speaker, Colleen-Mercer Clarke which starts at 1 p.m. All welcome to
Control Academic Stress Workshop: Procrastination and Perfectionism
Control Academic Stress Workshop: Procrastination and Perfectionism
Procrastination and perfectionism are common challenges for many students. In this session, we'll discuss the links between procrastination and perfectionism, identify strategies to decrease procrastination, and learn techniques for managing perfectionism.
– CANCELLED – Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture: Colleen Mercer Clarke
– CANCELLED – Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture: Colleen Mercer Clarke
- This event has been cancelled-Â The Landscape Architecture program in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development presents a guest lecture by Colleen Mercer Clarke. Mercer Clarke is chair of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Committee on Climate Adaptation. Her talk is titled "The Value of Nature in a Changing World." This
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– POSTPONED – Arboretum Workshop: The Art and Practice of Pruning
– POSTPONED – Arboretum Workshop: The Art and Practice of Pruning
- This event has been postponed. Please visit the Arboretum's website for more information -Â This half-day indoor/outdoor practical workshop will teach you the principles of easy and correct pruning in the home landscape. We will cover how to choose the correct equipment and how to keep it sharp and clean. Pruning techniques will be
– CANCELLED – Institute of Gender and Health – Guelph Meetup
– CANCELLED – Institute of Gender and Health – Guelph Meetup
- This event has been cancelled -Â Institute of Gender and Health (IGH) Guelph Chapter (CIHR) IGH oversees a Canadian network that builds awareness and capacity in sex- and gender-based analysis among trainees conducting health research in Canada. The network connects health research trainees from across Canada to exchange ideas and resources about the integration
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– POSTPONED – Arboretum Planetarium Program: What’s Up Tonight?
– POSTPONED – Arboretum Planetarium Program: What’s Up Tonight?
- This event has been postponed. Please visit the Arboretum's website for more information - Join guest instructor Trevor Chandler inside his planetarium for this amazing program (families welcome and encouraged). This planetarium series explores the planets, stars and constellations that are visible in the night sky this month. In the session, you’ll learn a
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– CANCELLED – Campus Day 2020
– CANCELLED – Campus Day 2020
- This event has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience - Join us for Campus Day: U of G’s full-day open house! You are invited to go on a campus tour, check out our residences, attend academic information sessions and chat one-on-one with current students, staff and faculty who are in the programs to
– CANCELLED – Chamber Music Ensembles Recital
– CANCELLED – Chamber Music Ensembles Recital
- This event has been cancelled - Join students from the School of Fine Art and Music as they perform their semester-end recital. The concert features guest artists performing the Schoenberg Verklaerte Nacht. All are welcome and admission is free.
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– POSTPONED – University Budget Town Hall
– POSTPONED – University Budget Town Hall
- This event has been postponed - Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend the 2020 University Budget Town Hall. Provost and vice-president (academic) Charlotte Yates will host a public forum on the 2020-2021 Budget. This is an opportunity for the University community to ask questions regarding the current fiscal outlook.
– CANCELLED – Senate Meeting
– CANCELLED – Senate Meeting
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and current extraordinary circumstances, in particular the need to implement social/physical distancing measures, the Senate meeting scheduled for Monday, March 30 will be cancelled. In consultation with the President and Chair of Senate, key updates and items for decision will be provided to Senators through an electronic update and subsequent
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Inhale Courage. Exhale Fear: Live Online Classical Yoga and Meditation
Inhale Courage. Exhale Fear: Live Online Classical Yoga and Meditation
Everyone - faculty, staff, students, alumni and retirees - welcome. No experience required. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/157031404 During this classical yoga and meditation class, we will continue to build upon the Pranayama (breath control) practice from last class. Pranayama - life force, life energy - are the underpinnings of connecting with our mind, emotions and
– CANCELLED – Jazz Ensemble Student Concert
– CANCELLED – Jazz Ensemble Student Concert
- This event has been cancelled - The School of Fine Art and Music and the College of Arts presents the Winter 2020 Jazz Ensemble Concert. All are welcome and admission is free!
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.