- Events
- Intranet Events
Designing and Creating Infographics Workshop
Infographics are a unique way to organize and showcase research or complicated information. This two-hour workshop will walk you through the steps for designing and creating an effective infographic including
Introduction to Citation Management Workshop
This presentation will walk you through the benefits of citation management and explain how you can use citation managers to keep track of your research and speed up the citation process. Participants are required to bring a laptop to the session. We will focus on using Zotero and Mendeley and recommend you come with them
Data Analysis Workshop: Intro to Text Analysis (Part 1)
Are you interested in uncovering patterns across a vast amount of textual information? Come to this workshop to learn about distant reading techniques that address word count and location. Attendees will get hands-on experience exploring entry-level tools such as Google Ngram, Voyant, and AntConc. Please bring a laptop for your own use during the workshop
Pitch Yourself Workshop: How to Develop and Film a Pitch Video
Film a pitch video to document your employability skills and stand out to employers! This two-hour workshop will provide you with the necessary skills in scripting and filming a pitch video. Participants will have the chance to watch and assess examples, while also scripting their own. Participants will also be provided with tips on filming
U of G, Let’s Talk: A Conversation on Workplace Wellness
Faculty and staff are invited to “U of G, Let’s Talk” a presentation and panel discussion about the University’s progress in creating a healthy workplace. Learn what we have accomplished
Relaxation and Stress Management Skills Workshop
Learn how to decrease anxiety, relax tight muscles, settle a busy brain, cope effectively and have more energy. This mind and body skills training program meets twice a week, on
Data Analysis Workshop: Intro to Text Analysis (Part 2)
Part two of this workshop series will introduce more complex concepts such as named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling. Participants will explore tools such as NER and Topic Modelling Tool. Please bring a laptop for your own use during the workshop with Stanford Named Entity Recognizer and Topic Modeling Tool installed. Please note:
SEDRD Speaker Series: Beyond Resilience
Ben Reid-Howells's talk “Beyond Resilience: Stories from the Field” explores his three-year journey from India to Scotland in which he and his partner Kumar Prashant undertook projects of peace, sustainable living and community well-being. Pizza will be provided. All are welcome to attend! About Ben Reid-Howells: Reid-Howells is an international educator and community organizer with
Data Skills Workshop: Cleaning and Preparing Data – OpenRefine
Good data is like a good turkey dinner: you need to clean and prepare it before you can enjoy it properly. What? I have to clean and prepare my data?! This workshop will teach you how to use the free open-source tool, OpenRefine, to get that messy data in order. You will learn how to:
(Re)Discover India Through Films: ‘Cooking with Stella’
Watch Deepa Mehta's Cooking with Stella, the first in a specially curated series of video presentations (re)introducing India in all its diversity. Cooking with Stella (104 min.) was selected by Vijay
Arboretum Planetarium Workshop: Stellar Navigation
Join guest instructor Trevor Chandler inside his planetarium for this amazing program (families welcome and encouraged). This planetarium show introduces the history of navigating using the stars. It reviews why
50th Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium
The OE3C is a provincial conference organized primarily by students for students. With four plenary speakers and several student travel bursaries and presentation awards, this event is designed to give students an international experience close to home. Confirmed speakers are: Melissa Bateson, Professor of Ethology at Newcastle University Sigal Balshine, Professor at McMaster University Liana
Data Skills Workshop: Getting Data – Advanced Qualtrics Surveys
This workshop will explore the more advanced question types and features of Qualtrics. It is expected that attendees have attended Creating Data – Survey – Qualtrics Intro or are already competent with the software. You will need to bring a laptop to this session. Before you attend this workshop, you will need to create a
Winter Pride Flag Raising
Join us at the University Centre Bus Loop for the raising of the Pride Flag in celebration of the start of Winter Pride Guelph and of LGBTQ2IA+ identities! We welcome students, staff, faculty and community members to join in this event, to show support for the LGBTQ2IA+ populations both at U of G and within
Data Skills Workshop: Data Analysis – Intermediate Excel
In this intermediate-level MS-Excel workshop, learn how to use a variety of functions and nested formulas to manipulate data, summarize data using pivot tables and merge data from different worksheets
Students: Free Pizza for Sharing Your IT Woes!
The U of G IT Strategy Team wants to hear from students about their experience with IT on campus. Are you frustrated with certain systems? Is it hard to find
Data Skills Workshop: Data Analysis – Manipulation in R using dplyr and tidyr
R is a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. This workshop will introduce you to the dplyr package which makes tabular data manipulations easier by using a set of functions to extract and summarize insights from your data. The tidyr package works well with tidy to quickly convert between different data formats
Metagenomics-Based Ecosystem Biomonitoring (Ecobiomics)
Teresita Porter, research scientist with the Great Lakes Forestry Centre, Natural Resources Canada and a visiting research scientist with U of G's Centre for Biodiversity Genomics will discuss water and soil biodiversity and how they are essential to sustaining diverse ecosystem services and economic activities across Canada. Porter's research background is in ecology and evolution,
Canada’s Crisis with Huawei: Extradition, spy threats, the 5G future and our relations with China
The Political Science Speaker Series presents: Canada's Crisis with Huawei – Extradition, spy threats, the 5G future and our relations with China Join us for a talk about modern-day espionage and cyber security with Prof. Wesley Wark, Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa – one of Canada’s leading experts on national security, intelligence
Better Sleep Program
Learn how to decrease insomnia, fall asleep (or back to sleep) more easily, and get more energy from sleep using proven, drug-free strategies. This skills program meets weekly on Fridays,