- Events
- Intranet Events
Guelph Trial Garden Open House
U of G is hosting in-person scheduled visits to its 2021 Trial Garden Open House at the new Guelph Turfgrass Institute. Learn more and register online.
ONLINE: Improvisation Festival – IF 2021
IF 2021 is a free, online, 24-hour improvisation festival celebrating all forms of artistic expression. This digital festival will take place between August 13 and 14, starting at 7 p.m.
ONLINE: Library Workshop – WeVideo in the Classroom
WeVideo is a web-based video editor. Use WeVideo in your class for individual or group video assignments. The McLaughlin Library workshop will introduce participants to using WeVideo effectively with a
ONLINE Ontario, CanadaOntario has dozens of native shrub species, from dogwoods to viburnums, blackberries to spicebush, and everything in between. Where to start in learning to identify them? In this workshop, spread
Gryphon Rowing Novice Tryouts
Athletics Centre 150 Reynolds Walk, Guelph, Ontario, CanadaOpen to students wishing to try competitive rowing, as rowers or coxswains - no previous experience required. Eligible athletes should not have raced in sanctioned regattas previously. Athletes are selected
ONLINE: Eco-Art Therapy
ONLINE Ontario, CanadaThis is not an arts-technique-based course, but rather an opportunity to freely create without any boundaries and be inspired by nature’s beauty! Though nature does not speak to us through
ONLINE: Library Workshop – Science Communication Toolkit: Impactful Presentations
This workshop introduces science graduate students to science communication, focused on presentation skills for non-specialist audiences. If you are looking for opportunities to get your research to the public and
ONLINE: Library Workshop – Self-Directed Academic Writing Style: Writing Style Choices in Sentences
In response to programming moving online due to COVID-19, some materials from this two-part workshop on improving academic writing style are available ANYTIME as self-directed videos and worksheets, through self-registration
ONLINE: The Truth and Reconciliation Reading Challenge
ONLINE Ontario, CanadaWELCOME to the Fall 2021 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Reading Challenge! In these weekly sessions, Monday 1 .p.m - 2 p.m. ET, we come together and read through the
ONLINE: U of G United Way Campaign Kick-Off
The past year has been full of challenges, but now let's help our community get back on track! Be part of a Radical Recovery! Join us online for U of
ONLINE: Thriving in Action: Connections Workshop
Join us for Thriving in Action, a new online program at the University of Guelph. Thriving in Action will help you move from languishing to flourishing throughout your time in
ONLINE: Skills for Research Impact Workshop Series – Planning for Research Impact
This is the first session in the Skills for Research Impact series, a workshop series for University of Guelph faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research. In this session, become familiar with knowledge mobilization plans and conceptualize strategies adapted to your goals and audiences. You'll learn about best
ONLINE: Library Workshop – Editing and Creating Video with WeVideo
WeVideo is a web-based video editing and creation tool. Join staff from the library's media studio to learn about this tool and practice editing and creating video. By the end of the workshop, participants will: know what WeVideo is and what it can do discuss the process for creating a video list tools for recording
ONLINE: Dial Down Academic Stress and Anxiety
Learn about the most common anxiety escalators (including a couple of surprising ones), along with practical, proven tips and strategies that you can use to decrease stress and anxiety this semester. Begin drafting your personal Anxiety Action Plan in this free, one-hour workshop for university students meeting online from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. with Kathy
ONLINE: Open Scholarship Series: Open Access, Open Data and the Tri-Agencies
Part of the Library's ongoing Open Scholarship workshop series, Open Access, Open Data, and the Tri-Agencies will explore the benefits of open access, the use of open data generally, and in our context here at the University of Guelph. Please note: this workshop will take place online via Zoom. A reminder email with the meeting
ONLINE: Changing Hearts and Minds: Talking to the Skeptical Indian Public about GMOs and Gene-Edited Foods
Many recent developments in agricultural biotechnology hold considerable potential in advancing sustainable farming in India. This webinar will showcase a few examples of such technologies and explore the challenges that lie in integrating cutting-edge gene tech into research in India and, eventually, into products for public use. Speaker: Channa Prakash, Dean, College of Arts &
Fall Equinox Yoga 2021
In-person on Johnston Green. Virtual class running rain or shine: Join Zoom meeting. Meeting ID: 954 8412 8908 Everyone welcome: faculty, staff, students, alumni and retirees. No experience required. How can we find calm amid the chaos? Where do we turn to access the voice of our deepest wisdom? What can we do to unplug
ONLINE: Library Workshop – Creating Videos with PowToon
PowToon is a web-based tool to create professional videos. It has a library of animated characters, objects and text that you can combine with your own media to create a
ONLINE: Brain Food Online: Graduate Thesis Workshops
At Brain Food Online, you'll learn effective ways to approach your work on your thesis. We offer many self-paced workshops for students working on theses, dissertations and major research papers: Time Management during the Thesis Process Formulating Your Research Question Working with Data Outlining Your Thesis Advanced Search Strategies for Gathering the Literature Strategies for
ONLINE: Stress Less for Tests Workshop
Learn practical skills to decrease test anxiety and enhance energy and performance during exam periods. This three-hour program with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic is an online, on-demand program with lifetime access to the lessons. You can begin today! Your link will be e-mailed to you upon registration in the