ONLINE: ‘this red line goes straight to your heart’ – A roundtable on intergenerational storytelling
A discussion of Madhur Anand’s book This Red Line Goes Straight to Your Heart. Madhur Anand – Professor, School of Environmental Sciences and author, University of Guelph Nurjehan Aziz – Publisher, Mawenzi House Bela Ravi – Chancellor of Huntington University Soraya Peerbaye – Award-winning author of Tell: Poems for a Girlhood Mariam Pirbhai – Professor
ONLINE: Dial Down Academic Stress and Anxiety
Learn about the most common anxiety escalators (including a couple of surprising ones), along with practical, proven tips and strategies that you can use to decrease stress and anxiety this semester. Begin drafting your personal Anxiety Action Plan in this free, one-hour workshop for university students meeting online from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. with Kathy
ONLINE: Better Sleep Program
Learn how to decrease insomnia, fall asleep (or back to sleep) more easily, and get more energy from sleep using proven, drug-free strategies. This five-session skills program with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management & High Performance Clinic is an online, on-demand program with lifetime access to the lessons. Your link will be e-mailed to
ONLINE: Snow Days – Time Management Tips for Learning Online
Do you get distracted when you’re studying? Do you sometimes spend more time procrastinating than doing your work? Come to this online workshop to learn tips for making the most of your study time. We’ll discuss ways to reduce procrastination and distractions. We’ll also talk about strategies for making – and sticking to – a
ONLINE: Arboretum Workshop – Winter Watercolour Landscapes Painting (Intermediate)
Join Watercolour Artist Candice Leyland and capture winter in the Arboretum in watercolour. You will discuss how to bring light and colour into a winter landscape and create a glowing winter watercolour painting. This class is great for those who completed the Landscape class in fall, or those with some watercolour experience! Reference photos and
ONLINE: Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture – “Deep Green: Bio-design in the age of artificial intelligence”
The Landscape Architecture program in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development presents a guest lecture by Claudia Pasquero of ecoLogicSTudio in London, U.K. Claudia is an architect, curator, author and educator. Her work and research operates at the intersection of biology, computation and design. She is founder and codirector of ecoLogicStudio in London,
ONLINE: Relaxation and Stress Management Skills
Learn to relax tight muscles, calm anxiety, settle a busy brain, cope effectively and have more energy! This 12-part skills program with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management and High
ONLINE: Anxiety Skills and Strategies
Learn powerful strategies, new tips and information on how to respond to and calm the uncomfortable sensations of anxiety. A variety of long and short self-calming strategies are introduced, along with behaviours that can help prevent escalation of anxiety. This three-session skills program with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic meets
ONLINE: U of G, Let’s Talk, featuring Dr. Joti Samra (for faculty and staff)
Mental well-being matters. On Bell, Let's Talk Day, hear from by renowned psychological health and safety expert Dr. Joti Samra. Learn strategies to help yourself and to help others. You'll come away with actionable steps to support your own and your colleagues' mental wellbeing. Mark the date in your calendar and register for this event.
ONLINE: Pigs, Poverty and Epilepsy
The One Health Institute presents its first seminar series of the Winter 2021 semester. Dr. Cate Dewey, director of the One Health Institute, will talk about her decade-long research project in rural Kenya where she worked with smallholder pig farmers to improve pig and community health by educating farmers on the epilepsy-causing parasite transmitted from
ONLINE: Senate Meeting
Senate meetings are open to the public. Please e-mail to register. For more information about the agenda, location and timing of the meeting please visit the Secretariat's Governance Portal to access the agenda package. Agenda packages are published approximately one week in advance of the meeting.
ONLINE: Black History Month – Aftershock Art Show
Aftershock is an art show showcasing the creations of aspiring young artists (25 and younger). The art show will feature digital art including photography, short films, animation, digital painting, vector drawing, photo painting and any other type of artistic media created on a computer. Selected artists will have their contributions displayed in an online gallery
ONLINE: P4E Job Fair – Connect with 100+ employers!
Hosted in partnership with Conestoga College, University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University, connect with 100+ employers who want to meet and hire talented U of G students and alumni for summer, co-op and full-time positions! This fair is open to ALL U of G students and alumni. Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2021 Time: 9
ONLINE: Coping with Increased Hours Online
Tech neck? Screen fatigue? Lost in the rabbit hole of social media? If you are spending more time online than you were a year ago, learn how you rank on the seven risk factors for an unhealthy relationship with your computer and devices. This FREE one-hour online workshop with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management
ONLINE: Stress Less for Tests
Learn practical skills to decrease test anxiety and enhance energy and performance during exam periods. This three-hour program with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic is an online, on-demand program with lifetime access to the lessons. You can begin today! Your link will be e-mailed to you upon registration in the
ONLINE: Black History Month – Black Leadership in Anti-Black Spaces with Laura Mae Lindo
James Baldwin once wrote: “To be a negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time.” His words continue to ring true. As we navigate a global pandemic that disproportionately impacts Black communities across the province, we are asked to justify our calls for culturally
ONLINE: Publishing Your Data – Preparing Your Data for Deposit
In this online workshop from the McLaughlin Library, you will learn more about why you should publish your research data, where to publish your research data and best practices for preparing your data for sharing and preservation in the data repository. Additionally, information about the data deposit process for the Agri-environmental Research Data Repository and
ONLINE: Arboretum Course – Wildlife Garden Design
ONLINE Ontario, CanadaIn this Arboretum workshop, learn how to design a diverse garden space that attracts native wildlife species through key design elements, plant choices and maintenance needs. This course will draw from concepts found in the Arboretum’s Gosling Wildlife Gardens, while also offering insight on design features and plant species that have proven to be successful
ONLINE: Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture “Practice, Research, Patience”
The Landscape Architecture program in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development presents a guest lecture by Laurie Olin of Olin Studio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Laurie is a distinguished teacher, author and one of the most renowned landscape architects practicing today.
ONLINE: Diverse Perspectives on Knowledge Mobilization – A GIER Webinar
The Guelph Institute for Environmental Research (GIER) is pleased to invite you to the webinar "Diverse Perspectives on Knowledge Mobilization." Our panelists will be Caroline Duvieusart-Dery, Georgia Simms and Tommy Mayberry, discussing creative ways to mobilize interdisciplinary environmental research. We have long known that we need to mobilize research knowledge more creatively if we wish