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Events for Monday, January 13, 2025 - Monday, January 13, 2025 › Intranet Events


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ONLINE: Better Sleep for Mid-Life Women

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn drug-free tips to help cope with mid-life sleep changes, hot flashes and the frustration of being awake through the night. This two-hour skills workshop meets online with Kathy Somers

ONLINE: Cultivating a Sense of Peace, Happiness and Calm Workshop

ImprovLab Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Join us on Zoom: How do you maintain your well-being throughout the semester and beyond? How do you overcome feelings of dissatisfaction, agitation, overwhelm? Join a conversation with a

ONLINE: Ask the Arb

Instructor: Arboretum Staff Bring your garden, nature, and wildlife related questions to our free one-hour live session on Zoom. Our horticultural and naturalist staff will be on-line to answer your questions. ***Event is FREE

ONLINE: Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture – “Storylines: Projects of Meaning & Timelessness” by Terence Lee of NAK Design Strategies

The Landscape Architecture program in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development presents "Storylines: Projects of Meaning & Timelessness", a guest lecture by Terence Lee. This talk will discuss the connection between story-telling and designing lasting and meaningful landscapes. Terence is an Associate Landscape Architect at NAK Design Strategies, an award-winning landscape architecture firm

ONLINE: Skills for Research Impact workshop – Science Policy Engagement

How can you share your research to inform public policy decisions? Join us to receive expert advice and concrete tips to support your own science-policy engagement efforts. By the end of this Skills for Research Impact workshop, participants will be able to: Reflect on how science can inform public policy decision making Align your research

ONLINE: Social and Applied Human Sciences Career Night

Meet and network with U of G alumni at the Social and Applied Human Sciences Career Night. Learn more online. Presented by the Experiential Learning Hub and the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences.

ONLINE: Stop Worrying

Learn to curb the worry habit and how to avoid the five key pitfalls that perpetuate worrying. This two-hour skills workshop meets online with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic and includes brain training exercises and a variety of other techniques to decrease worrying. Your link will be e-mailed to you

Experiential Learning Opportunities Fair

Join this in-person drop-in event to learn about experiential learning opportunities on and off campus, co-op, career education and community-engaged learning! Learn more online.

ONLINE: Take the Stress out of IBS

Learn strategies that decrease symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), or a nervous/stressed stomach, by tackling the two greatest triggers of IBS symptoms: diet and stress. This five-part skills program with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic and Lindzie O'Reilly, dietitian, meets online for an hour on Wednesday evenings, once a

ONLINE: Wellness Grant Program Information Session

The Wellness@Work Grant Program encourages faculty and staff across all campuses and research stations at the University of Guelph to help promote wellness in their workplace through the implementation of a tailored health‐promoting program, approach or idea in their workplace. Virtual information sessions sessions will be held for any interested faculty and staff to attend

Thriving in Action: A Mindful Approach to Academics

Explore how to be in and make the most of the present moment. A mindful approach can help you to pay attention to yourself and what is around you and can be directly transferred to becoming a thriving student. Learn how mindfulness strategies can be applied to planning, increasing your focus, and taking notes in lecture

GREAT at U of G Presents: Ryan Edwards, Canada’s Top Mentalist!

Join us virtually as we show appreciation for University of Guelph employees with Canada's top mentalist, Ryan Edwards! Ryan does not claim to be a mind reader, but instead uses all five senses to make it seem as he has a sixth sense. After 20 years of mastering the art, He is regarded as one

ONLINE: Knowledge Mobilization Across Sectors – Panel Discussion

Join the Waterloo Wellington Knowledge Mobilization Community and come learn about knowledge mobilization through mini case studies and a facilitated panel discussion! This session brings together panelists from the agri-food, aging and social justice and arts sectors to share their expertise: Adriana Radulovici, PhD, Executive Secretary of GEO BON Susan Brown, MSc, Director of Research

ONLINE: Arts & Science Connections Conference – Day 1

Create your own conference by attending one, a few or all six presentations, workshops and panels that have been carefully chosen and thoughtfully packaged to create “Arts and Science Connections: A Deconstructed Conference about Career Possibilities”. Sessions run over two days: March 7 and 9. These events are open to ALL students and U of

ONLINE: Anxiety Skills and Strategies

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn powerful strategies, new tips and information on how to respond and calm down the uncomfortable sensations of anxiety. A variety of long and short self-calming strategies are introduced, along