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Events for Sunday, January 12, 2025 - Sunday, January 12, 2025 › Intranet Events


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ONLINE: Financial Literacy Webinar

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

November is Financial Literacy Month! #FLM2020 is all about providing you with the financial tips and resources to better manage your money and feel confident in your future. Hosted by

ONLINE: Dairy at Guelph Virtual Showcase 2020 – Day 1

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Day 1 of the virtual edition of what used to be the annual Dairy at Guelph’s “Dairy Research and Innovation Day” Pre-recorded presentations are available and will lead to live

ONLINE: Dairy at Guelph Virtual Showcase 2020 – Day 2

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Day 2 of the virtual edition of what used to be the annual Dairy at Guelph’s “Dairy Research and Innovation Day” Pre-recorded presentations are available and will lead to live

Senate Meeting

TBD - Check meeting package

Senate meetings are open to the public.  Please e-mail to register. For more information about the agenda, location and timing of the meeting please visit the Secretariat's Governance Portal

ONLINE: Using Gratitude to Boost Student Wellbeing

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The challenges associated with COVID-19 can exacerbate the stressors that many students experience. It can be easy to get trapped in a sense of despair. Yet, there remains much to

ONLINE: Thinking Spaces Speaker Series with Dong-Won Kim

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Thinking Spaces: The Reading Group and Speaker Series is pleased to present percussionist, pedagogue, vocalist, composer and improviser Dong-Won Kim for his talk "Time to Plant Seed." This event will

ONLINE: Self-Directed Writing Tune-up – Grammar (Day 2 of 2)

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

In response to programming moving online due to COVID-19, materials from this two-day workshop on grammar are available anytime as self-directed slides and worksheets, through self-registration in CourseLink’s Writing Tune-up: Grammar. This two-day Writing Tune-up: Grammar series provides grammar instruction for all levels of writers. The workshop materials are useful for participants wanting to improve

ONLINE: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women – Zoom vigil

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

You are invited to join our community memorial in honour of The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, where we will mourn and remember the women killed at the L'École Polytechnique in Montreal in 1989 and women killed by femicide in 2020. Every year, we take time to remember women who

ONLINE: Soil Health Research Forum: Behaviour Change, Baseline Data and BMPs

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

A U of G - OMAFRA Knowledge Exchange Event The Promoting Behavior Change for Soil Health: Insights From Recent Social Science Research event will share recent research findings related to soil health, spotlight projects supporting implementation of Ontario’s soil strategy, and promote knowledge-sharing between researchers and decision-makers. Researchers will provide research findings, including those funded

ONLINE: Guelph Guide to Entrepreneurship Presents – Hit Your Business Milestones with U of G Business Consultants

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Please join us for an information session hosted by Melanie Lang, Executive Director, John F. Wood Centre for Business and Student Enterprise Leverage the expertise of U of G student business consultants to solve your business problems! The areas in which our students can offer support to local businesses are: Strategic Planning Business Planning Market

ONLINE: Self-Directed Academic Writing Style – Writing Style Choices in Sentences

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

In response to programming moving online due to COVID-19, some materials from this two-part workshop on improving academic writing style are available anytime as self-directed videos and worksheets, through self-registration in CourseLink's Online Instruction Resources from the Library. Once you have self-registered, navigate to Content > Writing > Improving Your Writing: Sentences and Word Choice

ONLINE: Thinking Spaces Speaker Series – “Improvising and Listening”

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Thinking Spaces: The Reading Group and Speaker Series is pleased to present "Improvising and Listening," a session on the Interactive Improvisation in Times of Isolation project featuring IICSI Researcher Dr. James Harley and students from the Critical Studies in Improvisation graduate program. This last event of the semester will take place on Dec. 18 from

ONLINE: New Year 30-day Yoga Challenge

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

De-stress, foster balance, and promote enjoyment through Classical Yoga "We need yoga and community now more than ever." - Sivananda Namaste and Happy New Year 2021! You are invited to join our 30-day Yoga Challenge that will help you establish a routine and deepen your practice. Start the new year in a healthy, invigorating way!

ONLINE: Virtual Nature in Winter Series

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Are you looking for ways to get out and enjoy nature in the winter? Join our Interpretive Interns, Kitty and Jenny as they explore Nature in Winter. Topics include: animal signs animal adaptations winter seed heads animal tracking trees in winter Each course will finish with a short discussion period so you can ask all