The following information is provided by the Return to Campuses Steering Committee.

COVID-19 testing on campus

Student Health Services offers on-campus appointments for COVID-19 testing to those who are symptomatic and to those who are asymptomatic but who have been exposed to a positive case. Appointments can be booked by calling 519-824-4120, Ext. 52131.

Reporting positive cases

U of G’s Case Reporting page lists confirmed positive COVID-19 cases where the individual has been at a U of G facility within the last 14 days.

Through contact tracing, Public Health will directly connect with any individuals deemed to be high-risk contacts. If Public Health determines there is a significant health and safety risk to the University community, the University will be provided with directives and will take appropriate steps.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive, please call the COVID-19 call centre at 519-824-4120, Ext. 53906. This starts the intake process, allowing U of G to provide you with supports and to coordinate next steps with Public Health.

Mask requirements

As a reminder, masks are required indoors at U of G campuses and University-managed facilities, including while delivering lectures and while working in cubicles. For the limited scenarios in which masks can be removed while indoors, please review the Masks section of our Safety Practices webpage.

Masks are also required outdoors when physical distance cannot be maintained. This may include certain outdoor events.

Rules for accessing U of G grounds and field trips

U of G’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy applies to University of Guelph campuses and University-managed facilities – not just our buildings but our grounds as well.

The policy also applies to all in-person learning activities (regardless of location). This means students participating in field trips must be fully vaccinated or have an approved exemption.

Visitors, volunteers and contractors

Visitors, volunteers and contractors must be fully vaccinated to access our campuses and University-managed facilities. These individuals must be vaccinated and attest to their vaccination status through U of G’s COVID-19 Daily Screening tool. Departments are required to ensure that their guests to campus comply with the University’s Vaccination Policy.

More information on expectations for visitors, volunteers and contractors will be available soon.

Communicating with the U of G community

COVID-19 information is shared with the U of G community through the following channels.

  • COVID-19 Update emails sent regularly to all faculty, staff and student addresses
  • U of G’s Intranet – U of G’s main information page for all faculty, staff and students. COVID-19 Updates are also posted here.
  • U of G’s COVID-19 website – quick access to information about U of G’s response to the pandemic. All of the links below are accessible through this site.
    • COVID-19 Screening Form – tool that must be completed daily before coming to campuses or managed-facilities
    • Case Reporting page – information on cases at U of G facilities within the last two weeks
    • Practices page – information on safety protocols at U of G
    • Spaces page – information on expectations for safely navigating University spaces
    • Vaccination FAQs – answers to questions about U of G’s Vaccination Policy and links to the Vaccination Proof and Exemption system
    • Vaccination Report – real-time information on U of G’s vaccination rate
    • Protocols and Guidelines – access to guiding documents used in U of G’s response to the pandemic and a list of Return to Campus subcommittees and their membership

Thank you for all you’re doing to help keep our community safe.

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