- Events
- Intranet Events
ONLINE: Relaxation and Stress Management Skills
Learn how to decrease anxiety, relax tight muscles, settle a busy brain, cope effectively and have more energy. This mind/body skills training program meets twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., for 12 sessions (six weeks). There are no sessions during Semester Break.
ONLINE: Public Presentation by Short-Listed Candidates for Dean, College of Biological Science
A schedule for the public presentations by the three short-listed candidates for the position of Dean of the College of Biological Science (CBS) has been established as follows: Candidate #1: Monday, September 28, 2020 – 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Join the presentation on Microsoft Teams Candidate #2: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 – 8:30
ONLINE: Data Skills – Introduction to GIS using ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS); a software program for working with maps and geographic data. A GIS allows you to work with any data that you know a location for (eg. addresses, latitude / longitude, census locations, name of a place...). ArcGIS Online can be used in your browser on any computer and
ONLINE: Open Scholarship – Using Open Data in your Research
Part of the library's ongoing Open Scholarship workshop series, "Using Open Data in your Research" will explore the benefits of incorporating existing open data into your research. We will pay particular attention to the finding, evaluating and uploading open data.
ONLINE: Planning for Success – Preparing for Your Midterms
In this workshop, we'll discuss how to prepare for midterms, including: Study strategies to help you assess what you already know and what you still need to know Preparation for online assessment Approaches to studying when you're short on time
ONLINE: Data Skills – Analysis – Introduction to using NVivo
NVivo is a qualitative data analysis (QDA) computer software package is designed to help you manage and analyze qualitative data. In this workshop, we will work on bringing your sources in, creating nodes, coding and running queries. Please have a laptop for your own use during the workshop with the latest version of NVIVO installed.
ONLINE: Anxiety Skills and Strategies
Learn practical techniques, new tips and information on how to respond to the uncomfortable sensations of anxiety. This skills program meets weekly on Thursdays, from 12:30 to 1:30 pm, for three sessions.
ONLINE: Wrongful Conviction Day 2020 Webinar
Join us for a webinar in support of exonerees and to bring attention to the injustices faced by the wrongfully convicted. Guest speaker: Robert Baltovich, exoneree Presented by the College of Social and Applied Human Sciences
ONLINE: Data Skills – Analysis – Intermediate Use of NVivo
NVivo is a qualitative data analysis software package that helps you manage and analyze qualitative data. In this workshop, we will work on generating advanced queries including matrix coding and crosstab. As well, we will generate visualizations including charts, hierarchy charts, mind maps, concept maps, cluster analysis diagrams and sociograms. Finally, we will touch on
ONLINE: Self-Directed Writing Tune-up – Grammar (Day 1 of 2)
ONLINE Ontario, CanadaThis two-day Writing Tune-up: Grammar series provides grammar instruction for all levels of writers. The workshop materials are useful for participants wanting to improve their own writing skills as well as to provide more effective feedback on students' writing as TAs or faculty. Topics covered include: structuring sentences, using verbals and modifiers, and punctuating sentences.
ONLINE: Self-Directed Writing Tune-up – Grammar (Day 2 of 2)
This two-day Writing Tune-up: Grammar series provides grammar instruction for all levels of writers. The workshop materials are useful for participants wanting to improve their own writing skills as well as to provide more effective feedback on students' writing as TAs or faculty. Topics covered include: correcting grammar errors, avoiding errors of misuse, and going
ONLINE: Cyber Security Awareness Roadshow Kick-Off
Our COVID edition (100% digital) Cyber Security Awareness Roadshow starts today and runs all month long! Great games, tons of prizes, panel discussions and more! Click to learn more!
ONLINE: Data Skills – Analysis – Using R and RStudio
R is an open source software environment for data manipulation and statistical analysis. Used in a variety of disciplines, R has become a popular tool because of its power, flexibility, and active community. Join us as we teach the R language fundamentals and basic syntax, major R data structures and generate basic statistical analysis. By
ONLINE: Data Skills – Sample Size Determination with GPower
GPower is a free open source software used for power analysis and sample size calculation. In this workshop we will learn how to use the software to determine the ideal
Senate Meeting
Senate meetings are open to the public. Please e-mail univsec@uoguelph.ca to register. For more information about the agenda, location and timing of the meeting please visit the Secretariat's Governance Portal
Editing and Creating Video with WeVideo
WeVideo is a web-based video editing and creation tool. Join staff from the library's media studio to learn about this tool and practice editing and creating video. By the end
ONLINE: Data Skills – R – Analysis – Using dplyr and tidyr
R is a programming language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. This workshop will introduce you to the dplyr package which makes tabular data manipulations easier by using a
ONLINE: OAC Food and Agriculture Job Fair
The OAC Food and Agriculture Job Fair is an opportunity to meet employers who are actively recruiting students for exciting opportunities in the agricultural, business and environmental industries. Students of
ONLINE: Nunangat Food Insecurity Presentation
Gather virtually with the ISC and Inuit Knowledge Holder Tauni Sheldon for a presentation on Nunangat Food Insecurity. Learn about inflated food prices in the North and how they are
ONLINE: Data Skills – Visualizing data with Infographics
Infographics are a unique way to organize and showcase information. This two-hour workshop will walk you through the steps for designing and creating an effective infographic including the role of