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Wednesday, March 8, 2023 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Into birding but the songs have you stumped? Whether you are new to learning bird sounds or you want a good refresher before the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas starts this spring, this course is for you. Join Chris Earley, Arboretum Interpretive Biologist and author of five bird field guides, for a series of eight virtual noon-hour lectures that cover over 150 bird species! We will focus on songs and some common, distinctive calls and will apply different methods to remember them. Each course will start with a short intro topic about birding by ear before we dive into the bird species. Learn how to make your own calls, read a sonogram, make up your own memorable bird song sayings, and more! Each class will finish with a 10-15 minute discussion period so you can ask all your bird-related questions.

See the descriptions below to find out which bird groups are covered in each class. Each workshop is recorded and made available for a limited time after the series has ended for registered participants.

Fee: $8.00 (plus HST) per session, or register for all 8 workshops at once and get one free (pay $56 instead of $64!) Register early to ensure your spot! The list of topics with the presentation date is available on our website:
To register please visit:


Wednesday, March 8, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Ontario Canada

Additional Info

Event is open to
U of G students, U of G faculty and staff, The public