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Events for Sunday, January 12, 2025 - Sunday, January 12, 2025


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ONLINE: Provost Dialogue on Teaching – Fall 2020

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

On October 28, U of G's Provost, Dr. Gwen Chapman, will host an engaging session for instructors that will provide an opportunity for all of us to reflect on teaching, learning and academic course delivery in the context of COVID-19. We recognize that shifting to primarily remote delivery was not easy for the fall semester

ONLINE: Finding and Using OER in the Classroom – Arts and Humanities

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Access to electronic versions of textbooks got you down? Looking to switch up your course materials for the winter semester? Consider using open educational resources (OERs)! OERs are educational materials (including textbooks, modules, streaming media, simulations and much more) that are an exciting alternative to commercially published textbooks and other course materials. Whether you’re looking

ONLINE: Creating Videos with PowToon

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

PowToon is a web-based tool to create professional videos. It has a library of animated characters, objects and text that you can combine with your own media to create a video. Join staff from the library's media studio to learn about this tool and practice creating videos. During the workshop, participants will: discuss best practices

ONLINE: Receiving and Incorporating Feedback on Your Writing

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

As a graduate student, you can expect to spend a significant amount of time rewriting, revising and restructuring your thesis chapters. Although the prospect of completing multiple drafts and integrating feedback from multiple readers may be intimidating, revision is an essential part of the writing process. This interactive workshop for graduate students introduces strategies and

ONLINE: The U.S. Election in Question

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Experts on American politics explore the issues at stake in the U.S. 2020 federal election. Panel: Clifford Orwin Professor, University of Toronto Lori Hausegger Associate Professor, Boise State University David

ONLINE: Self-Directed Brain Food – Graduate Thesis Workshops

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

At Brain Food Online, you'll learn effective ways to approach your work as a graduate student. Undergraduate students who are writing an undergraduate honours thesis or writing extensive research papers may also attend. Brain Food Online is delivered via CourseLink and you can complete the workshops at your own pace. Most workshops include pre-recorded lectures,

ONLINE: Decreasing Headaches

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn drug-free strategies to decrease tension and migraine headaches, and the pain of headaches. This skills program meets weekly on Monday evenings, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., for four sessions. Registration: $20 for U of G students $60 for members of USW Local 4120 $120 for all others

ONLINE: One Health Poster Day

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses (CPHAZ) and the One Health Institute (OHI) at the University of Guelph, in collaboration with the One Health Program in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University, are pleased to invite you to the One Health Poster

ONLINE: Concision and Precision – A Tour of Techniques for Writing Clearly

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

“Write concisely.” “Be more specific.” "Awk.” “Unclear”. We've all seen comments like these at one time or another. How do you make sense of them and, more importantly, avoid them? Come for a tour of one of the most under-appreciated Library Guides: the "Write Clearly" guide. We'll talk about how to learn from comments like

ONLINE: Increasing Personal Resiliency through COVID-19

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn tips from the Hurricane Study and later research that can help us through COVID-19. Develop a personal plan for five pillars of resilience, and sample a variety of relaxation techniques for mind and body in this two-hour workshop. Celebrate International Stress Awareness Day with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management Clinic in this free

ONLINE: Acknowledging Indigenous Lands

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Have you ever wondered about the statements said at the beginning of events? Do concerns about making a mistake hold you back from trying? Despite becoming more common as an act of reconciliation, the context behind and process for acknowledging Indigenous lands are not always understood or discussed. Participants in this session will gain a

ONLINE: Advantage Workshop – How to Choose Your Words Wisely and Win More Grants

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Research Innovation Office invites you to a FREE online workshop! Learn about grant-writing challenges as well as how to develop an effective grant proposal including identifying the components of successful proposals and strategies for packaging a proposal. Participants in this workshop will: Describe the components of a grant proposal Demonstrate how to write effective

ONLINE: Applying to Graduate School in Psychology – A Panel for BIPOC and 1st-Generation Students

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Psychology Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force at the University of Guelph is hosting a recruitment event targeted toward BIPOC and 1st-generation undergraduate students who are considering applying to graduate school in psychology (for eligibility, see below). Our goal is to help prepare prospective graduate students for the application process and life as a

ONLINE: Thinking Spaces Speaker Series with Joel Bakan

ImprovLab Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Thinking Spaces: The Reading Group and Speaker Series, together with the College of Arts, the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics, and the School of English and Theatre Studies, presents Joel Bakan for a talk on his new film and book, The New Corporation. This free event is open to everyone. Join us

ONLINE: Fall Preview Day 2020

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Ready to take the next step in becoming a Gryphon? Join us Sunday, November 8 for our virtual Fall Open House. Learn more at

ONLINE: Self-Directed Writing Tune-up – Grammar (Day 2 of 2)

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

This two-day Writing Tune-up: Grammar series provides grammar instruction for all levels of writers. The workshop materials are useful for participants wanting to improve their own writing skills as well as to provide more effective feedback on students' writing as TAs or faculty. Topics covered include: correcting grammatical errors, avoiding errors of misuse, going beyond

ONLINE: Learning about Perfectionism Workshop (students)

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Join our Wellness Peer Educators as they provide useful tips to help understand and manage perfectionism. Students will be encouraged to discuss and address concerns about a roommate or friend struggling with perfectionism, or about their own personal struggles. This workshop also addresses the importance of personal care when dealing with perfectionistic tendencies to promote

ONLINE: Biology and Control of SARS-CoV-2

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) is pleased to host a webinar on COVID-19. This will be a moderated and interactive webinar aimed at providing up-to-date scientific information on the biology of SARS-CoV-2 and prophylactic strategies (such as vaccines) that are under development for control of this virus. This will be an interactive session, featuring several

ONLINE: Control Academic Stress – Learning from Failure

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

In this live online workshop, we will discuss how failure affects us and how we can learn from failure. We will learn strategies to help us cope with failure and identify how experiencing failure can help us in the future.

ONLINE: Better Sleep Program

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn how to decrease insomnia, fall asleep (or back to sleep) more easily, and get more energy from sleep using proven, drug-free strategies. This skills program begins on-demand, with the first lesson e-mailed to you upon registration, followed by a new lesson every week for five sessions. Registration: $20 for U of G students $50