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Events for Friday, January 10, 2025 - Friday, January 10, 2025


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Virtual Cottage Birds Series

Arboretum Centre 200 Arboretum Rd, Guelph, Canada

While sitting on the dock, have you ever asked "Did that loon just attack that duck?" or "How can that Pileated Woodpecker peck such big holes without hurting its brain?"

My First Vegetable Garden (Virtual)

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

This course is designed for the new gardener or the gardener that has only been growing vegetables for a couple of years. We’ll start at the very beginning, with ordering

Intro to GIS using ArcGIS Online: Data Skills

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

In this workshop we will learn how to navigate ArcGIS Online, kinds of GIS data, how to add data to a map, basic symbology and labelling, how to manually add

SPSS micro 4: Correlation

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Looking for a statistics tune-up using SPSS? Come to the fourth workshop in our 11-part series to teach you the basics! In SPSS micro 4: Correlation, you will learn the

Read, Write, Talk: Advanced EAL Lessons

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Do you speak English as an additional language? Would you like to meet new people while practicing your reading, writing, and speaking skills in English? Please join us for Read,

Intro to GIS using ArcGIS Pro: Data Skills

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

In this workshop we will learn how to navigate ArcPro, kinds of GIS data, how to add data to a map, basic symbology, and labelling, how to filter data, and

START Skills: Preparing for Midterms

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Have midterms coming up? Don't know how to study for them? Join the Library and the START team for our workshop on midterm study skills. This workshop will cover some

Virtual Cottage Birds Series

Arboretum Centre 200 Arboretum Rd, Guelph, Canada

While sitting on the dock, have you ever asked "Did that loon just attack that duck?" or "How can that Pileated Woodpecker peck such big holes without hurting its brain?"

Graduate Accountability Group – Online

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Graduate Student Accountability Group provides a welcoming, safe and productive online space for graduate students to do their work. The group is facilitated by a learning specialist and is

English Language Speaking Series: Practicing Workplace Speaking Strategies

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Learn and practice various oral communication skills and strategies in academic/professional settings. This program provides support for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and visiting scholars who use Jan 28:

Write to Publish: Writing Titles. Abstracts and Introductions

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Writing effective titles & abstracts Your title and abstract almost always determine whether your readers will engage with the rest of your work. In this workshop, we’ll discuss and demonstrate cross-disciplinary strategies for writing compelling titles and abstracts for your articles, course papers, theses, and more. Writing effective introductions Whether you're writing a journal manuscript,

Virtual Cottage Birds Series

Arboretum Centre 200 Arboretum Rd, Guelph, Canada

While sitting on the dock, have you ever asked "Did that loon just attack that duck?" or "How can that Pileated Woodpecker peck such big holes without hurting its brain?" or "Which hawk is that flying overhead?" The answers to these and many other bird-related questions will be covered in this series of eight one-hour

Write to Publish: Writing Introductions

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Whether you're writing a journal manuscript, coursework, or beginning your thesis, the introduction is crucial. It’s where you state why your work matters, highlight the key questions, problems, or gaps, and outline how you plan to address them. This workshop will teach key models and linguistic strategies you can use to craft introductions that engage

Procrastination, Perfectionism, and Impostor Phenomenon for Graduate Students and Upper Year Undergrads

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Do any of these words resonate with you: procrastination, perfectionism, and/or impostor phenomenon? Come to this workshop to learn more about how to manage some of the most common experiences that graduate students have. Learn practical skills and strategies to help you reduce procrastination and understand how perfectionism and the impostor phenomenon may affect your work

My First Vegetable Garden (Virtual)

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

This course is designed for the new gardener or the gardener that has only been growing vegetables for a couple of years. We’ll start at the very beginning, with ordering seeds and end with a detailed discussion of the 10 best vegetables for new gardeners. Focus is on hardiness zones 4 – 6. We’ll cover

Better Sleep Program

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Learn proven, drug-free strategies to fall asleep (or back to sleep) more easily, and get more energy from sleep. This skills program provides information and instruction in the cognitive / behavioural techniques most effective for decreasing insomnia and promoting more restful sleep. It includes the sleep behaviours most highly recommended by sleep researchers, strategies for