ONLINE: Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight About Animals – A Conversation with Drs. Hal Herzog and Mike von Massow
Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight About Animals, a book by by Dr. Hal Herzog, professor emeritus, Western Carolina University will be discussed with Dr. Mike von Massow, associate professor in the department of food, agricultural and resource economics at the University of Guelph. This
ONLINE: Royal Agricultural Virtual Experience (Spring) – Healthy Soil for a Healthy Climate
The University of Guelph is proud to partner with the Royal Agricultural Virtual Experience Spring Session, presenting four online discussions on agri-food. What does soil have to do with climate change? Tune in to this panel discussion with University of Guelph agrometeorologist Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle, and farmer Brett Israel as they discuss how better soil
ONLINE: Royal Agricultural Virtual Experience (Spring) – Using social media to predict foodborne illnesses
The University of Guelph is proud to partner with the Royal Agricultural Virtual Experience Spring Session, presenting four online discussions on agri-food. Join University of Guelph computer scientists Rozita Dara and Jeff Farber to learn about an internet-based surveillance system that monitors activities related to diseases on social media, sorts through that information, and provides
ONLINE: U of G Yoga Speaker Series 2021 with Dr. Praveen Saxena
Join us for the inaugural Yoga Speaker Series event where we explore the Yoga Philosophy and Practice: Relevance for the Individual and Society in a Contemporary World. Our speakers will share their own long-term practice, how it affects their lives, and where they can enlighten us with yoga philosophy and its multi-dimensional application. The aim
ONLINE: Livestock From The Bullring – Terra Lightfoot
A presentation of the Central Student Association. Live streaming from The Bullring. Enjoy this live-streamed performance from the comfort of home! Canadian roots rocker Terra Lightfoot is a ferocious talent. Her songs tap into the raw emotion of hearts supercharged by love, loneliness and temptation. Her playing melds expert finger-picking and distorted, hook-heavy melodies. And
ONLINE: Arboretum Workshop – Virtual Constellation “Walk”
Learning the night sky is like getting to know a new neighborhood. At first, it may seem big and confusing, but as you strike out and become more and more familiar with prominent landmarks, the day comes when you realize that the neighborhood is no longer new. It’s home. Join the Arboretum for monthly online
ONLINE: Policy, Polity and Indigenous Health – Examining Political Determinants of Health
Policy, Polity and Indigenous Health: Examining Political Determinants of Health Join us for this free webinar as noted Indigenous scholars and leaders discuss their work and research related to the policy and politics of Indigenous health. Panelists: Kiera Ladner - Professor, Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba Jonathan Dewar - Chief Executive Officer, First
ONLINE: 25th Annual Project SOY Plus Finale
You are invited to the 25th annual Project SOY Plus finale. This year’s event will take place using HopIn software on March 26 from noon to 3 p.m. Project SOY (Sustainable Opportunities for You) Plus is celebrating its 25th year of providing students with a chance to express their innovative thinking into the development and
ONLINE: Salmonella Syst-omics – Applying the One Health Approach for Improved Food Safety
One Health Winter 2021 Seminar Series Salmonella enterica is a bacterial zoonotic pathogen of global importance that cause approximately 80 million causes of foodborne illness each year. A systematic approach to controlling salmonella in humans, animals and the environment has been developed using genomics-based approaches. This S will be discussed with examples of how it
ONLINE: Thinking Spaces with Dhruv Jani from Studio Oleomingus
Thinking Spaces: The Reading Group and Speaker Series is pleased to present "The Concentric Fictions of a Generous History: Hypertext and Other Annotations to Memory," a talk by Dhruv Jani from Studio Oleomingus. The event will take place on via Zoom. A moderated Q&A will follow the talk. Register online. With “The Concentric Fictions of
ONLINE: Virtual Campus Day
Attend our Virtual Spring Open House for prospective students and their families. The event includes academic and student service information sessions, opportunities to chat live with current students, staff and faculty, and a Live Virtual Tour Experience. To register and for more information, please visit
ONLINE: Arboretum Workshop – Spring Watercolour Landscapes at the Arboretum – Intermediate
Join Watercolour Artist Candice Leyland and capture spring in the Arboretum in watercolour. You will learn tips on mixing your own vibrant greens and how to create a light tilled expressive landscape. This class is great for those with a bit of experience in watercolour. Reference photos will be provided. Fee: $30 (plus HST) per
Gryphon Pizza Day in Support of Women’s Athletics at U of G
March 30 is the 3rd annual She's Got Game Pizza Day sponsored by Domino's Guelph at 304 Stone Rd. On She's Got Game Pizza Day, Domino's donates half of select pizza sales to the She's Got Game initiative, supporting women's athletics scholarships at the University of Guelph. Offer details March 30 from 11 a.m. to
ONLINE: Ask the Gardener
Do you have a gardening question that you would love to ask Arboretum gardening staff? Join Cael Wishart, the Arboretum’s Gardener, for a free virtual session to get the answers about everything green and growing! The session will take place on Zoom. Pre-registration is required. This program is free. Register early to ensure your spot!
ONLINE: Choosing to Challenge: A Conversation with Three Trailblazers
Join the Office of Diversity and Human Rights’ Associate Vice-President, Indira Naidoo-Harris on March 31 from 4 to 5 p.m. as she moderates an exciting panel discussion with three trailblazing women who Choose to Challenge in honour of International Women’s Day. Hear from former Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, former Canadian politician and
ONLINE: Biological Science Career Night
Meet and network with U of G Biological Science alumni! The evening will include a brief welcome and four concurrent breakout rooms featuring themed-based panels showcasing alumni working in various industries: Animal Panel and Q&A Environment Panel and Q&A Health Care Panel and Q&A Private Sector and Public Policy Panel and Q&A Learn more online.
ONLINE: Return to Campus Town Hall
Over the last year, we have all missed the vibrancy of our on-campus experiences, and we are looking forward to resuming more in-person activities on our campuses this fall. In fall 2021, we will see many classes delivered face-to-face, increased capacity in our residences, expanded on-campus service delivery, and more staff and faculty at all of
ONLINE: Livestock From The Bullring – Jennifer Castle
ONLINE Ontario, CanadaA presentation of the Central Student Association. Live streaming from The Bullring. Jennifer Castle’s moon-suffused Monarch Season, “makes the case for listening as a revolutionary act of intimacy,” (Uncut). Castle blends into the atmosphere of her piano and acoustic guitar, presenting her exceedingly intimate music as an inventive and subtly visceral experience. Castle says that
ONLINE: Rental Housing Information Session
This session is for students who are looking for rental housing in Guelph for the 2021-22 school year. Questions around where to find quality listings and roommates will be answered, and information about popular rental areas will be shared. This is an essential session to attend for the first-time Guelph student renter.
ONLINE: Senate Meeting
Senate meetings are open to the public. Please e-mail to register. For more information about the agenda, location and timing of the meeting please visit the Secretariat's Governance Portal to access the agenda package. Agenda packages are published approximately one week in advance of the meeting.