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Events for Friday, January 10, 2025 - Friday, January 10, 2025 › Intranet Events


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ONLINE: Advantage Workshop – Intellectual Property (IP) Essentials

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Useful for researchers at all career stages, this workshop helps inventors and creatives understand the options they have to maximize the financial potential of their work. Insights on current Canadian and International IP law as well as University of Guelph services and rules will be discussed. In this workshop, research teams will: discover how various

ONLINE: Dairy at Guelph Virtual Showcase 2020 – Day 1

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Day 1 of the virtual edition of what used to be the annual Dairy at Guelph’s “Dairy Research and Innovation Day” Pre-recorded presentations are available and will lead to live panel discussions on November 25 and November 26. Each discussion will be broadcast with Webex Events and will start at 10 a.m. During each discussion,

ONLINE: The Influence of Cash Transfers and Remittances on Children – A case study of Madhepura District, India

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Government cash transfers (CTs) are a common aid intervention and many households rely on familial remittances. Yet the link between this aid and children’s protection, health and education in disaster prone areas is not well understood. This seminar explores how these monetary flows affect children, through a case study of Madhepura District, India. Guest speaker:

ONLINE: Dairy at Guelph Virtual Showcase 2020 – Day 2

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Day 2 of the virtual edition of what used to be the annual Dairy at Guelph’s “Dairy Research and Innovation Day” Pre-recorded presentations are available and will lead to live panel discussions on November 25 and November 26. Each discussion will be broadcast with Webex Events and will start at 10 a.m. During each discussion,

ONLINE: Advantage Workshop – Communicating the Value of Your Research

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

This workshop introduces research teams to tools that will clearly communicate the potential impact of their work and enable them to write value-focused grant applications. Teams will also discover how clear communication and persuasive value propositions can mobilize teams and external partners more successfully. In this workshop, research teams will: Craft project descriptions to effectively

Senate Meeting

TBD - Check meeting package

Senate meetings are open to the public.  Please e-mail to register. For more information about the agenda, location and timing of the meeting please visit the Secretariat's Governance Portal to access the agenda package. Agenda packages are published approximately one week in advance of the meeting.

ONLINE: Using Gratitude to Boost Student Wellbeing

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The challenges associated with COVID-19 can exacerbate the stressors that many students experience. It can be easy to get trapped in a sense of despair. Yet, there remains much to be grateful for and research shows that gratitude practices have myriad benefits personally, professionally, and pro-socially. Join Prof. Dr. Andria Jones-Bitton in this interactive webinar

ONLINE: Thinking Spaces Speaker Series with Dong-Won Kim

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Thinking Spaces: The Reading Group and Speaker Series is pleased to present percussionist, pedagogue, vocalist, composer and improviser Dong-Won Kim for his talk "Time to Plant Seed." This event will

ONLINE: New Year 30-day Yoga Challenge

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

De-stress, foster balance, and promote enjoyment through Classical Yoga "We need yoga and community now more than ever." - Sivananda Namaste and Happy New Year 2021! You are invited to

ONLINE: Virtual Nature in Winter Series

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Are you looking for ways to get out and enjoy nature in the winter? Join our Interpretive Interns, Kitty and Jenny as they explore Nature in Winter. Topics include: animal

ONLINE: Conversations About “The Commonwealth of Cricket”

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

Kanta Murali in conversation with Ramachandra Guha, the author of the recent book The Commonwealth of Cricket. Following the narrative of his life intertwined and in love with the sport,

ONLINE: Proteus Innovation Competition

ONLINE Ontario, Canada

The Proteus Innovation Competition is a four-month long competition that challenges you to create a commercialization plan for 1 of 6 technologies developed out of southwestern Ontario’s top research institutions