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Events for Wednesday, January 29, 2025 - Wednesday, January 29, 2025 › Homepage


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Excel Workshop (Intermediate)

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

In this intermediate-level MS-Excel workshop, learn how to use a variety of functions and nested formulas to manipulate data, summarize data using pivot tables, and merge data from different worksheets using the VLOOKUP function. Need a basic refresher? This one-hour introduction to Excel from LinkedIn will adequately prepare you for the session. Please bring

Brain Food Workshop: Getting Started on Your Thesis

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

In this Brain Food workshop session, we provide foundational skills and strategies that will carry you through the thesis or dissertation process. Please bring your laptop, if possible. Topics covered will include: Managing the Thesis Process: We discuss goal setting and time management strategies to keep you motivated throughout your graduate degree Formulating Your Research

Arboretum: The Amazing Life of Spiders Workshop

Arboretum 250 Arboretum Road, Guelph

Learn fascinating life stories and identification tips about our most important invertebrate predators: spiders. We’ll venture outside for part of the day, learning how to discover and identify some of our amazing local arachno-fauna. Be prepared for the weather. We’ll find outdoor “web-sites,” but also many free-ranging spiders that hunt like cats, wolves or eight-legged

Brain Food Workshop: Time Management Essentials

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

In this workshop session, we address the specific time management challenges that graduate students face. Please bring your laptop, if possible. Topics covered will include: Graduate When You Want To - Long-term Planning: Learn how to predict your time to completion and use project management tools to help you meet your goals as a graduate

Opening Reception of “Into the Light: Eugenics and Education in Southern Ontario”

Guelph Civic Museum 52 Norfolk St, Guelph

All are welcome to attend the opening reception for "Into the Light: Eugenics and Education in Southern Ontario". The exhibition examines local histories and ongoing legacies of racial “betterment” thinking in Southern Ontario that de-humanized and disappeared those who did not fit the normative middle-class lives of white, able-bodied settlers. "Into the Light" is co-presented

Campus Mile: Healthy Workplace Month Launch Event

Johnston Green

Staff, faculty and students are invited to celebrate the launch of Healthy Workplace Month with the second annual U of G Campus Mile! Join us at The Portico on Johnston Green at noon, Oct. 1. Participants will walk, run or roll a mile through a marked route on our beautiful campus. This event officially launches

Relaxation and Stress Management Skills Workshop

University Centre 150 Research Ln, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Learn how to decrease anxiety, relax tight muscles, settle a busy brain, cope more effectively and have more energy. This mind/body skills training program meets twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., for 12 sessions (six weeks). The program fee is $40 for U of G students, $120 for members

How Social Capital is Rewriting how we Think About Companion Animal Welfare

OVC Lifetime Learning Centre 25 McGilvray Street

Join us for a seminar by Dr. Roger Haston, President of the Institute for Animals. With nearly 20 years' experience in animal welfare, including his roles as Executive Director at the Animal Assistance Foundation and Chief Analytics Officer at PetSmart Charities, Dr. Haston has become an internationally recognized leader in data, trends, metrics and analytics

QUofG Research Celebration

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Does your research involve LGBTQ+ populations? Does your work involve conceptual, theoretical, and/or methodological issues associated with LGBTQ+ research? Do you incorporate LGBTQ+ research in practice settings or in community

Wrongful Conviction Day

Alexander Hall

Join us for a talk in support of exonerees and to bring attention to the injustices faced by the wrongfully convicted. This year's speaker is exoneree O'Neil Blackett. The presentation

Gryphons Read: In Conversation With Author Eden Robinson

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

On Oct. 2, the Gryphons Read program hosts a conversation with Eden Robinson, author of Son of a Trickster, the 2019 Gryphons Read pick. Faculty and staff can take part

Data Analysis – SPSS Part 1

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

SPSS is a statistical software package, mainly used in the Social Sciences. It features a point-and-click interface which makes it easy for the user to learn. The purpose of this

Skills for Research Impact Workshop: Planning for Research Impact

University Centre 150 Research Ln, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Skills for Research Impact is a monthly workshop series for faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research. Planning for Research Impact Workshop: Knowledge

Data Analysis Workshop – SPSS Part 2

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

SPSS is a statistical software package, mainly used in the Social Sciences. It features a point-and-click interface, which makes it easy for the user to learn. The purpose of this

Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture: Jerry Van Eyck

Arboretum Centre 200 Arboretum Rd, Guelph, Canada

The Landscape Architecture program in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development presents a guest lecture by Jerry Van Eyck, Founder and Principal of !melk, NYC. His talk is

Better Sleep Program

University Centre 150 Research Ln, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Learn how to decrease insomnia, fall asleep (or back to sleep) more easily and get more energy from sleep using proven, drug-free strategies. This skills program meets weekly on Thursday

Brain Food Workshop: Writing the Literature Review

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

In this Brain Food workshop session, we focus on one of the most difficult parts of a thesis or dissertation to write, the literature review. Please bring your laptop, if

Brain Food Workshop: Paraphrasing and Summarizing

McLaughlin Library 480 Gordon Street, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

In this Brain Food workshop session, we provide foundational skills and strategies to help you paraphrase and summarize more effectively when writing the introduction, literature review and discussion sections of