Thank you for your continued support these past 22 months. We hope you were able to enjoy a well-deserved break over the winter holidays and found some time to relax. As we enter 2022, we face a new and even more challenging phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all adjusting to new regulations and rapidly changing directives. Remember, we’re all in this together.

Remote course delivery until Jan. 24

As mentioned in December, most U of G courses will be delivered remotely when the winter semester begins on Jan. 10. We continue with our plans to move courses to in-person delivery on Jan. 24. This aligns with guidance provided to university leaders in a Jan. 3 memo from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities and with recently updated government regulations.

Course delivery information can be found on CourseLink.

Given the rapid pace of changes caused by the Omicron variant, plans for winter 2022 course delivery may be adjusted. Please watch your inbox for updates.

Discussions with unions and employee groups about the remote learning period are ongoing, and updates will be provided as they become available.

Remote work continues

As outlined in December, those able to perform their job duties remotely should do so until further notice. Please contact your manager for more information on your work arrangements.

The COVID-19 pandemic has intertwined our work and home lives more than ever. We understand that working remotely can be a major challenge, especially with the additional need to care for family members or young children affected by school closures. The University provides a working from home page with tips and resources and also offers flexible work arrangements. We also want to remind all faculty, staff and students of the various mental health resources available. 

Delayed return to residence

New provincial measures will affect services and resources available to students living on campus. Students living in residence are encouraged to remain off campus until the weekend of Jan. 21. Students may return earlier upon request, especially those who remained in residence during the holiday break; those with in-person attendance requirements; international students returning to Guelph; and students with home environments not conducive to remote learning.

More information about how this phase of the pandemic affects students living in residence will be sent to residence students’ email addresses this week.


We are committed to keeping our research community safe while we address the new challenges presented by the Omicron variant. During this time, researchers whose work can be safely and effectively conducted remotely without the physical use of University of Guelph-operated facilities (including offices and field sites) should do so.

We are doing our best to keep the Research during COVID-19 website updated in real-time as the situation evolves. Please watch for updates, including information about density limits for non-office research spaces and face-to-face human participant research.

Impacts on athletics centre, on-campus dining and the library

The Department of Athletics and all U of G indoor sport and recreational fitness facilities, including gyms, are closed until at least Jan. 26. More information can be found on the Department of Athletics website.

While our fitness facilities are closed, U of G continues to advocate on behalf of our varsity athletes for a quick return to sport. Along with other post-secondary athletic departments, U of G’s Department of Athletics is asking the government to recognize varsity athletes as part of the “elite amateur” class to help these student athletes continue their in-person practices, training and athletic therapy.

On-campus dining has moved to grab-and-go service. In-person dining is not available. Check websites of Hospitality Services, Brass Taps and the Bullring for more information about what is open and when.

The McLaughlin Library will reopen Jan. 10 with a capacity limit of 50 per cent.

COVID-19 vaccination clinic returns to campus

Vaccination remains the best way to keep our community safe from COVID-19.

In partnership with U of G, Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health and the Guelph Family Health Team has opened a community COVID-19 vaccination clinic on the Guelph campus.

The vaccination clinic is now open in the Mitchell Gym in the Guelph Gryphons Athletics Centre. P12 (the parking lot closest to the athletics centre) is currently reserved for clinic parking only. Learn more about the community vaccination clinic online.

In addition to the on-campus WDG Public Health vaccination clinic, COVID-19 vaccinations are also available to students, faculty and staff through Student Wellness Services in the J.T. Powell Building. If you’re getting vaccinated on campus, please confirm the location of your appointment before you arrive.

Rapid testing and case reporting dashboard

With a globally limited supply of rapid tests and high levels of community transmission of COVID-19, U of G will now focus its use of University-provided rapid antigen tests on responding to potential high-risk exposures in identified high-risk settings. WDG Public Health has endorsed this approach. Individuals with approved vaccination exemptions must continue to participate in U of G’s rapid testing program. More information about the University’s approach to rapid testing will be available soon.

With the province halting mass PCR testing, and with public health prioritizing case and contact management for only the highest-risk settings, U of G will no longer track confirmed cases of COVID-19 on our website as this information will no longer be accurate.

U of G remains committed to the health and safety of our students, staff and faculty. The mandatory vaccination policy will remain in effect throughout the winter 2022 term.

We discourage visitors on campus at this time; however, if visitors are required on site they must follow the same requirements as faculty, staff and students. Visitors must be fully vaccinated, complete the U of G COVID-19 Daily Screening Tool, and comply with U of G’s health and safety protocols.

If you’ve been exposed to COVID-19, please refer to U of G community members experiencing symptoms should follow the protocols outlined on that site. More information on reporting an exposure to COVID-19 will be available soon.

Keep following safety measures

The most effective way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to layer your safety measures.

Learn more about U of G’s COVID-19 safety measures.

Please be kind to one another

The pandemic will continue to create uncertainties and result in ever-changing public health and government directives. Let’s support one another, be as patient as we can and remember that we’ll get through this together!  

The University’s COVID-19 website is your best source of information on U of G’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Return to Campuses website provides essential information for those coming to campus. If you need to be on campus, make sure you complete the U of G COVID-19 Screening Form every day before you arrive.

More U of G News:

  1. Smart Salt Trucks, Managing Waterborne Diseases: Ontario Invests in U of G Research 
  2. Top U of G Stories of 2024
  3. Why Grief Over Lost Pets Hits Harder During Holidays 
  4. How to Prevent Food Waste From Holiday Meals