The most recent U of G Senate meeting was held Nov. 30. Below are key highlights from the meeting. A full synopsis of the meeting is available on the University Secretariat’s website.

University of Guelph mace
University of Guelph mace

Leadership Updates

President Charlotte Yates, Vice-President (Research) Malcolm Campbell and Interim Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Gwen Chapman, provided Senators with a number of updates including information on:

Strategic Priority Discussion: Program Innovation and Student Success

The Provost led a discussion on program innovation and student success, with a particular focus on teaching and learning innovation, and wellbeing. Senators provided a broad range of feedback that will be used to inform the University’s approach to this strategic priority. In particular, Senators provided feedback relative to student and faculty wellbeing and the pandemic’s impact on teaching and learning.

Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice

Senate approved the creation of a new program, the Bachelor of Indigenous Environmental Science and Practice. The program will be rooted in the respectful and consensual braiding of Indigenous and Western knowledge systems to address complex environmental issues. The curriculum will focus on the respectful and responsible use and protection of the natural environment through practices based on Indigenous ways of knowing and doing and the practice of Indigenous land ethics grounded in Indigenous epistemologies, ontologies, traditions and aspirations.

The next meeting of Senate will take place Monday, February 1, 2021.

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