The human activity changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to ripple environmental effects around the globe, but can any of these changes stand the test of time?

That’s one of the topics that will be discussed during a free webinar on Thursday, June 25, hosted by the Guelph Institute for Environmental Research (GIER).

The hour-long event, entitled “COVID-19, the Environment, and You” begins at 4 p.m. and will examine what lessons the pandemic is offering the world about our relationship with the environment.

Panelists include Prof. Madhur Anand, the director of GIER; Prof. John Fryxell, executive director of the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario; and Prof. Robin Roth, co-lead of the Conservation Through Reconciliation Partnership.

Green Party of Ontario leader Mike Schreiner, MPP for Guelph, will serve as moderator.

The pandemic has brought some “silver linings” for the environment, including improvements in air quality and wildlife recovery. What do these changes mean for our long-term sustainable development goals?

As the panelists will explain, the answers are complicated.

Click here to register.

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