Dear members of the U of G community,

I want to focus today’s update on a few U of G stories emerging out of this challenging time. At the heart of each of these stories are our people, each of them using their expertise to share knowledge and resources in support of the local and broader community.

As Canada’s Food University and home to the Arrell Food Institute, the University of Guelph has continued to be a trusted, knowledgeable voice as the world asks questions about the global food supply, food prices and the supply chain.

The Arrell Food Institute recently published an article that helps explain the strength of Canada’s food supply chains and how decision-makers can help keep them robust. Canada’s 2020 Food Price Report, a collaboration between U of G and Dalhousie University, reassures consumers that food prices should remain stable as the world navigates COVID-19 and explains how some of our shopping and eating habits may change. And Prof. Jeff Farber has taken to social media to share advice on how to safely shop for groceries during the pandemic.

Right here on our campus, the good news food stories continue. A big thank you to our team in Hospitality Services, which put together baskets of non-perishable food being delivered to our international students still living on campus. These baskets are meant to provide useful supplies and to remind our international students that we are here for them during this challenging time.

These stories are an important reminder that despite our physical distance, so much great work continues to happen across all different corners of the University of Guelph. They also remind us of how U of G continues to Improve Life in so many ways – especially in these difficult times. In the weeks ahead, I will look forward to sharing more of these stories with all of you.


Franco Vaccarino

President and Vice-Chancellor


Daily Updates: March 31, 2020

Final Exams

Like all universities in Ontario, the University of Guelph will continue to have some final exams at the discretion of the instructor.

If an instructor has determined that a scheduled final exam is necessary to sufficiently assess learning outcomes, that final exam will proceed as planned. This applies to all modified exams and final assessments.

Answers to FAQs about final exams are available on the COVID-19 website.

Student success and well-being is of the utmost importance to the University. Our instructors have made a tremendous effort to ensure students can continue to learn in this new environment.

The University understands that an alternate format will present challenges. We have provided students with a range of options that allow them to complete the semester and provide some flexibility and assurance during this uncertain time.

At the end of the semester, once all coursework and exams have been completed, students have the ability to keep a numerical grade; opt to turn a passing numerical grade into a “pass”; or drop the course without penalty.

Information about these changes is available on the Academics – Students FAQs on the University’s COVID-19 website.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

Arboretum Open for Walk-Through Access Only

Yesterday, the Ontario government announced the immediate closure of all outdoor recreational amenities, except for greenspaces used for walk-through access. The University of Guelph Arboretum will now be open only for walk-through access. Those walking through the Arboretum must stay two metres from others.

As mentioned in the March 30 daily update, all U of G sports fields and facilities, including soccer pitches, baseball fields and the Alumni Stadium field and track, are closed.

OSAP Payment Moratorium

The Ontario government announced today its plan to pause the OSAP repayment process for students who have completed their studies. The moratorium provides six months of payment relief during which no payments are required, and no interest will be accrued. Borrowers can still make one-time payments if they want to repay their loans faster. Payments during this period will go entirely toward the loan principal.

More information is available on the Government of Ontario’s website.

The University of Guelph’s COVID-19 website is your best source of information about the University’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.