Ontario University Athletics (OUA) announced major award winners for the 2012-2013 track and field season Feb. 28. The Guelph Gryphons won the OUA team banners at the track and field championship and now receive individual athlete and coaching  honours.

Third-year student Anthony Romaniw from Hamilton, Ont., won three gold medals at the OUA championship and has been named recipient of the Hec Phillips Trophy for male outstanding performer.

Fourth-year Gryphon runner Andrea Seccafien from Guelph also won three golds at OUA and will be awarded the Dr. Wendy Jerome Trophy for outstanding female.

The OUA male rookie of the year winner is Yves Sikuwabo, a Gryphon runner from Ottawa who claimed two silver medals at his first provincial championship.

The Gryphons won’t be resting on their OUA laurels as they compete in the Canadian Interuniversity Sport championships this weekend, March 7 to 9, hosted by the University of Alberta.