ONLINE: Virtual Ecopsychology
ONLINE Ontario, CanadaThis program is aimed at providing an experience where you will interact with an online community and share nature-based experiences to help bring hope, resilience and positivity to your life right now. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in an 8-week course that explores hands-on components of Ecopsychology as well as Eco-Art Therapy. Such
ONLINE: Data Visualization – R using ggplot2
In this workshop, you will learn how to produce scatter plots, boxplots and time series plots using ggplot2. Also, you will learn the tools and knowledge to create any figure/graphic to describe your data and customize your graphics with titles, legends, colours, etc. This workshop is aimed at individuals who conduct statistical analysis. Advanced knowledge
ONLINE: Arboretum Virtual Plant Sale
The Arboretum’s Annual Plant Sale is virtual this year. The annual fundraiser is online as an auction featuring a sample of unique and special plants. Many of the plants are the offspring of wild seeds sourced locally and are suitable for local pollinators, flora and fauna. The auction is open Friday, September 18 at 9
ONLINE: Data Skills Advanced Survey Creation in Qualtrics – Creating Data with Online Surveys
This workshop will explore the more advanced question types and features of Qualtrics. When you register for this workshop you are committing to attend the entire workshop unless otherwise confirmed
ONLINE: Brain Food Online – Graduate Thesis Workshops
Through Brain Food Online, you'll learn effective ways to approach your work as a graduate student. Undergraduate students who are writing an Undergraduate Honours Thesis or writing extensive research papers
ONLINE: Data Skills – Cleaning and Preparing Data Using OpenRefine
Before we are able to analyze or visualize our data, we have to clean and prepare it. Typical tasks include fixing spelling, removing duplicate rows, finding and replacing text, changing
ONLINE: Virtual Fall Landscape Watercolour Painting
ONLINE Ontario, CanadaLearn how to translate any landscape into watercolour step by step with watercolour artist Candice Leyland. Each class we will be working through a full landscape painting based on a
ONLINE: Data Skills – Research Data Management
Research Data Management (RDM) involves a set of strategies to ensure that the data you collect to inform your research will have the following protections: your data will not be
ONLINE: Fall Equinox Yoga
Special Event: Fall Equinox Yoga with special guest and seasoned meditator Sri Hans Everyone welcome: faculty, staff, students, alumni and retirees – No experience required. How can we find calm
ONLINE: Open Scholarship – Open Data, Open Access and the Tri-Agencies
Part of the Library's ongoing Open Scholarship workshop series, "Open Access, Open Data and the Tri-Agencies" will explore the benefits of open access and open data generally, and in our
ONLINE: Circular Economy Workshop 2020 – Sustainable Materials – Innovating our future beyond the pandemic
ONLINE Ontario, CanadaThe COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world in fundamental ways and opened real possibilities to building a more sustainable industry sector in a broader ecosystem. This free virtual workshop is
ONLINE: Planning for Success – Strategies for Maximizing Your Productivity
How can you learn efficiently and effectively? How can you make the most of your study time? Come to this workshop for strategies and ideas on: Using your course outlines
ONLINE: Data Skills – Analysis – Introduction to Using Python
Interested in using Python but don't know where to start? Join us for a hands-on, beginner-level workshop will introduce you to the basic concepts of the world’s most popular programming
ONLINE: Dial Down Academic Stress and Anxiety
Learn about the most common anxiety escalators (including a couple of surprising ones), along with practical, proven tips and strategies that you can use to decrease stress and anxiety this
ONLINE: Virtual Getting into Astronomy
Ontario, CanadaAstronomy Foundations is an online course designed to introduce and orient astronomy enthusiasts to the night sky. Over 12 sessions, we will cover a wide range of topics, including understanding
ONLINE: Data Skills – Analysis – Data Manipulation Using Python
Join us for a hands-on, two-part workshop for folks with little experience programming. Data cleaning and manipulation usually takes up 80 per cent of the time allotted to data analysis
ONLINE: Book Panel – Karine Gagné’s ‘Caring for Glaciers’
Based on research in the high-altitude Himalayan region of Ladakh, in northwest India, 'Caring for Glaciers:Land, Animals, and Humanity in the Himalayas' looks at the causes and consequences of a
Discover U of G
Where will you be next year? On Saturday, September 26, let us bring U of G to you! Learn about degree programs, admission requirements, how to apply and all things
ONLINE: Public Presentation by Short-Listed Candidates for Dean, College of Biological Science
A schedule for the public presentations by the three short-listed candidates for the position of Dean of the College of Biological Science (CBS) has been established as follows: Candidate #1:
ONLINE: Data Skills – Introduction to GIS Using ArcMap
ArcGIS is a Geographic Information System (GIS): a software program for working with maps and geographic data. ArcMap is the desktop mapping software of ArcGIS. A GIS allows you to