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- Events
- Intranet Events
ONLINE: Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture – “Deep Green: Bio-design in the age of artificial intelligence”
ONLINE OntarioThe Landscape Architecture program in the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development presents a guest lecture by Claudia Pasquero of ecoLogicSTudio in London, U.K. Claudia is an architect, curator, author and educator. Her work and research operates at the intersection of biology, computation and design. She is founder and codirector of ecoLogicStudio in London,
ONLINE: Relaxation and Stress Management Skills
ONLINE OntarioLearn to relax tight muscles, calm anxiety, settle a busy brain, cope effectively and have more energy! This 12-part skills program with Kathy Somers of the Stress Management and High Performance Clinic meets online for 60 minutes, twice a week (on Tuesdays and Thursdays), for six weeks. There are no sessions during Reading Week. Your