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Rethinking “Untapped” Value: Gender and Predatory Inclusion in India and Beyond
MacKinnon Building 87 Trent Lane, GuelphSmitha Radhakrishnan, Luella LaMer Professor of Women’s Studies and Professor of Sociology, Wellesley College. The seminar will examine how the Indian microfinance industry leverages “success stories” of women clients to
Arboretum Workshop: Virtual Travels with a Nature Geek – Antarctica: Amazing Animals of the Last Continent
Arboretum Centre 200 Arboretum Rd, GuelphSince 1999, Chris Earley has traveled the world as a nature tour leader for Worldwide Quest. Each of his six talks focus on a different continent and showcase the amazing
Arboretum Workshop: Virtual Starting Vegetables from Seed
Arboretum Centre 200 Arboretum Rd, GuelphAn introduction to growing vegetables from seed. This course will cover topics such as, selecting the best types of seed, maturity dates, GMO seeds, hybrids vs heirlooms, starting early indoors,