Welcome to 2024 U of G colleagues!

This year is shaping up to be a dynamic and transformational one as we continue to move towards our vision to Improve Life.  Along our journey, HR Learning & Development is here to support you with an array of services and programs.

Based on your feedback and the skills and knowledge essential to an inclusive, forward-looking, engaging workplace, we have added new learning sessions including:

  • Making Friends With Change, a newly adapted program (previously Grow Through Change) to provide individuals with insight into the challenges and opportunities that come with change and tools to draw from to support their personal change journey.
  • Fostering Reconciliation in the Academy, a series of four, one hour workshops for individuals who wish to ally with Indigenous Peoples by gaining an understanding of the history of settlement of Canada from an Indigenous perspective and be equipped with the skills, understanding, and passion to do so effectively.
  • Transform Your Checklist: Developing Effective Standard Operating Procedures.  A must for anyone embarking on a journey of writing standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Many of our in-demand technical and leadership programs are once again available. You can view all the sessions scheduled by visiting the Monthly Calendar or browse by category on our Development Opportunities page.  If you are interested in customized learning, support for a change implementation, team development or a facilitated process for planning or decision-making, you can contact us at landd@uoguelph.ca.

Wishing you a healthy and successful New Year!

More U of G News:

  1. COMMENTARY: Let’s Change How We Talk About Athlete Mothers
  2. Smart Salt Trucks, Managing Waterborne Diseases: Ontario Invests in U of G Research 
  3. Top U of G Stories of 2024
  4. Why Grief Over Lost Pets Hits Harder During Holidays