Strategic Transformation is a bold step forward for the University of Guelph. It’s a way for us to better meet the evolving needs of our students, faculty, staff, and community – emerging as a more modern and financially-healthy institution.

The Strategic Transformation Advisory Group is your chance to get involved. We are looking for your feedback and counsel to ensure we are following best practices in transformation. We also want to ensure that our initiative remains true to the genius of the University of Guelph and our core mission.

Thank you to all faculty, staff and students who submitted their nominations by the September 25 deadline. As we still have to fill some of the faculty and librarian-designated seats, we are extending the nomination deadline (for this group) to Wednesday, October 11.  If you’re interested in joining the Advisory Group, please send a one-page Expression of Interest letter to You may also nominate a colleague.

The University strongly encourages Expressions of Interest from women, members of Indigenous, Black, and racialized communities; Two-Spirit, nonbinary, trans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer people; people with disabilities; and members of other equity-deserving groups.

The following information should be included in your Expression of Interest letter or nomination
  • Your College/Department
  • Job title
  • A description of why you are interested in participating
  • A description of the knowledge, skills, and professional/lived experiences you will contribute to the advisory group if selected

Group membership details

Our advisory group will include:

  • Up to two members selected from among the assistant, associate, and full professors at each College. Membership from the Colleges will be selected to ensure that a diversity of disciplines, career stages and leadership and non-leadership roles are represented.
  • Up to ten staff members from across the institution.
  • One representative selected from among the assistant, associate, and full librarians.
  • Three students, including at least one graduate student, one undergraduate student, and one international student.
  • One representative from the Board of Governors selected from among the external members.
  • At least one representative from the Ridgetown and Guelph-Humber campuses.

All interested students, staff and faculty members are invited to apply. You may also nominate a colleague.

Roles & responsibilities

Advisory Group members will meet once every two months between September and June. They will provide advice, feedback, and input on Strategic Transformation – serving as a key community engagement forum during our modernization efforts.

If you have any questions about the Strategic Transformation Advisory Group, please contact

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