On Monday, Feb. 6, a massive earthquake caused catastrophic damage in Turkiye and Syria, killing thousands, and injuring and displacing thousands more. The University of Guelph, and those around the world, mourn the lives lost and the ongoing devastation.

“My thoughts are with those directly impacted by this horrible tragedy, including survivors and those risking their lives on the frontlines of the rescue effort,” said U of G president Charlotte Yates. “We feel the reverberations of this disaster around the world, including here at home, and hope for the wellbeing of those in Turkiye and Syria.”

Given the global nature of our community, U of G students, staff and faculty may be affected by this tragedy. If you need assistance, we encourage you to access the supports available:

  • International Students: International Student Advising and KeepMe SAFE
  • Employee assistance program for faculty and staff, 1-800-265-8310
  • Multi-Faith Resource Team, 519-824-4120, Ext. 58909
  • Student Counselling Services, 519-824-4120, Ext. 53244
  • Crisis Text Line, text “UofG” to 686868

The University of Guelph acknowledges that disasters occur daily in many parts of the world. The supports listed above are available to support our community whenever needed.

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