The most recent U of G Board of Governors meeting was held October 19. Below are key highlights from the meeting. A full synopsis of the meeting will be available on the University Secretariat’s website.

Audited Financial Statements Approved

The Board approved the University’s audited statements for 2021-22. The University’s audited financial statements are prepared by the University and reviewed by audit firm Ernst & Young (EY).

Strategic Plan Approved

Following approval by the University’s Senate, the Board of Governors unanimously approved he University of Guelph Strategic Plan 2022-27. The strategic plan lays out U of G’s vision for its future and charts its course forward, including through clearly articulated values, goals and objectives.

The development of the Strategic Plan was led by the Strategy Advisory Committee and informed by several rounds of consultation that have occurred over the last two years.

Honeybee Research Centre Approved

The Board of Governors approved the construction of a new state-of-the-art new Honey Bee Research Centre facility dedicated to all aspects of honey bee health and well-being research, education and outreach.

Nancy Brown Andison Marks Beginning of Term as Board Chair

Nancy Brown Andison, a member of the University’s Board of Governors since 2014 and a graduate of U of G’s Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program, led her first meeting of the Board of Governors as Chair. Brown Andison was appointed chair for a three-year term ending August 31, 2025.

The next regular Board of Governors meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Regular board meetings are open to the public. Guests wishing to view the meeting may request to do so by emailing

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