The most recent U of G Board of Governors meeting was held on June 22. Below are key highlights from the meeting. A full synopsis of the meeting is available on the University Secretariat’s website.

Budget Update

The budget is one of the University’s key strategy documents and articulates how it will allocate resources in support of its mission over the coming fiscal years. At its most recent meeting, the Board received an update on the 2022-23 budget plan.

More information on the budget can be found on the University’s budget website.  

Anti-Racism Policy Statement

In 2021 the President’s Advisory Committee on Anti-Racism tasked a subcommittee to develop a policy on anti-racism for the University of Guelph.

The outcome of this work is the University of Guelph Anti-Racism Policy Statement. The purpose of the statement is to articulate the University’s deep and ongoing commitment to anti-racism, provide definitions to inform interpretation and understanding of racism and racial discrimination on our campus including at the systemic and institutional level, and outline actions and discourses that will contribute to the identification and elimination of racism and racial discrimination.

In recognition of the need for this policy statement to continue to evolve with the development of resources required to advance and support institutional commitments to anti-racism, the policy will be reviewed one year after approval.

Annual Report on Responsible Investing

During 2021-2022 fiscal year, the University continued work to implement its April 2020 commitment to divest from the ownership of fossil fuels within the endowment portfolio investment fund over a five-year period.

The University also continues to report on various carbon metrics related to the endowment portfolio investment fund while also working to incorporate new developments in responsible investment into its management strategy.

On an annual basis, the Board of Governors receives a report capturing recent activities and forward-looking planning with respect to responsible investing.

Membership Changes

On Aug. 31, Shauneen Bruder (BA ’80) will complete her term as chair of the Board of Governors and conclude her decade-long tenure on the Board.

Nancy Brown Andison (B.Sc. (Agr.) ’79) will begin her three-year term as board chair on Sept. 1. Dr. Deb Stark (DVM ’82) and Tom Mennill will assume the office of vice-chair of the Board of Governors on Sept. 1.

Also retiring from the Board on Aug. 31 are Joel Best (B.Eng. ’08, M.A.Sc. ’13), Theresa Firestone (B.A.Sc. ’78), Bill Hogarth, Justin Mihaly (BBA ’22), Christine Mishra, Michael Pacheco (BA ’22), and Dr. Glen Pyle (B.Sc. ’95).

Retiring from the Board of Trustees on Aug. 31 are chair Virginia McLaughlin and Dr. Nicola Mercer. Kevin Golding will assume the role of chair of the Board of Trustees on Sept. 1.

Joining the Board of Governors on Sept. 1 are:

  • Jakob Graham, an undergraduate student elected governor from the bachelor of commerce program.
  • Alok Kanti, president and CEO of Bayer Inc. in Canada.
  • Joshua Lannan, an undergraduate student elected governor from the bachelor of arts program.
  • Steve Nyman (B.Sc. (Eng.) ’88), a staff-elected governor and director of maintenance and energy services in physical resources.
  • Dr. William Onuwa, executive vice president and chief audit executive at RBC.
  • Dr. Tarek Saleh, a Senate-elected faculty member, and professor and chair in the department of biomedical sciences. 
  • Jehoshua Sharma (B.Sc. ’19), a graduate student elected governor and PhD candidate in the department of molecular and cellular biology.

Joining the Board of Trustees on Sept. 1 are:

  • Andrew Garrett, senior principal, real estate at IMCO.
  • Shakiba Shayani (BA ’10), president and CEO of the Guelph Chamber of Commerce. 

The next regular Board of Governors meeting will take place Oct. 19. Regular board meetings are open to the public. Guests wishing to view the meeting may request to do so by emailing

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