U of G is headed for a bold and exciting future. To get there, we have embarked on a strategic refresh and planning initiative. Our community has an important role in the process. 

In 2021, the University of Guelph began work to update its current strategic framework, an institutional document that has been used since 2016 to guide the University’s decision making. A Strategic Advisory committee, chaired by President Charlotte Yates, was created to help guide the process. 

“Through this new Strategic Plan, our community will set bold and ambitious goals that renew, refocus and recharge our efforts as a University,” says Yates.  

During initial consultations in the winter and spring of 2021, the U of G community expressed the need for a Strategic Plan that would include measurable targets and allow the institution to clearly track progress toward goals.  

From those initial consultations, five draft priorities were identified:  

  • Deepening our global impact
  • Advancing Indigenization and equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Revitalizing the student experience and success
  • Protecting our planet
  • Harnessing the power of our great people

Community consultation and survey 

Now, the U of G community is invited to share their thoughts on those themes and the goals we will set to meet them. 

Students, faculty and staff are invited to drop-in to community consultation sessions that will be held across the University. 

  • May 18 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – University Centre Courtyard 
  • May 19 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Macdonald Hall Marketplace (lobby) 
  • May 26 from noon to 2 p.m. – OVC Café 

The consultation sessions will include opportunities for conversation and to interact with discussion boards and read others’ comments. 

If you’re unable to attend a consultation session, share your thoughts on those themes through the Strategic Refresh/Plan Consultation survey. The survey is confidential; you may provide your name if you choose but remarks are compiled without attributing them to the respondent.

Next steps 

The Strategic Plan that is in development today is an evolution of the strategic framework that was approved by the Board of Governors in 2016. Since the 2016 strategic framework was released, the University has faced new challenges and opportunities brought on by the pandemic and the significant social, scientific and technological changes our world is experiencing. 

Feedback from the consultation sessions and survey will be used to create a draft of the new Strategic Plan. That draft plan will be presented to the Board of Governors in June for their feedback. A refined draft will be shared with the community for further feedback with the goal of eventual approval by the Board and implementation of the plan this fall. 

Learn more about the Strategic Refresh and Planning online. 

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