March 31 is International Day of Transgender Visibility. Want to take steps as an ally? Register for U of G’s Positive Space Training!

Developed with input from members of the University’s LGBTQ2SIA+ community, the Positive Space Project online training helps develop important skills and resources needed to foster an inclusive living, learning and working environment for members of LGBTQ2SIA+ communities at U of G.

The training module is designed to increase faculty and staff’s awareness of LGBTQ2SIA+ issues on campus and in the community. It also helps develop skills and confidence in working with LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals.

The two-part training addresses key concepts, including LGBTQ2SIA+ identities, allyship, coming out, terms and use of inclusive language. It also provides guidance on how best to support LGBTQ2SIA+ faculty, staff and students at U of G.

Inclusive Pride Banner with "Positive Space Training"
Positive Space Training

“This training is important and will provide our students, faculty and staff with the valuable tools and resources they need to create safer and respectful environments for everyone at U of G,” says Indira Naidoo-Harris, associate vice-president, diversity and human rights. “The University’s deep commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion begins with a solid foundation of understanding, and this training is the first step towards long-lasting, systemic change.”

In a 2019 Ontario-wide study of the experiences, well-being and academic development of LGBTQ2SIA+ university students, the University of Guelph fared better than many other campuses. But there is room for improvement, said Naidoo-Harris, as members of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community are uniquely affected by various issues.

“We know full equality and acceptance for the LGBTQ2SIA+ community is directly connected to addressing racism, colonial violence, ableism, misogyny and other systems of oppression,” she said. “This training brings an intersectional and anti-oppressive lens to equity and inclusion practices at U of G and lays the foundation for a strong culture of belonging for everyone in our community.”

Part one of the training consists of an online module accessible through CourseLink. The second part is an in-person workshop led by an experienced facilitator to turn that information into practice and action.

Individuals who complete both components will receive a Positive Space Project decal for display in their workspace.

All faculty and staff are encouraged to complete the training module. Help make our University a safer and more positive space for all those who work and learn here.

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