Every day, faculty, staff and students at U of G do amazing things to support our community. Their volunteer efforts help improve life and make the world a better place.

Consider nominating a faculty, staff member or student who is an outstanding community volunteer for the Dr. William Winegard Exemplary Volunteer Involvement Awards.

Nominate one staff, one faculty, one student for the Dr. William Winegard Exemplary Volunteer Involvement Awards

The United Way of Guelph Wellington Dufferin and the People and Information Network (PIN) have partnered with the University of Guelph through these awards to recognize volunteers who have:

  • demonstrated generosity of time and spirit
  • provided outstanding service as a volunteer
  • inspired others to service, or
  • made an extraordinary contribution to an organization or issue or made a single particularly notable accomplishment.

These awards recognize significant community involvement and charitable activities beyond what an individual does as an employee or student of the University. The awards recognize those activities that enrich the connection between the University of Guelph and the broader community.

Nominations are due May 1.

Complete the nomination package online or contact Kim Cusimano at kim@PINnetwork.ca for more information.

The Honourable Dr. William Winegard (1924 –2019), University of Guelph president from 1967 to 1975, embodied the community spirit that is so prevalent at the University of Guelph. It is with great honour that these volunteer involvement awards are named on his behalf.

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