Increased availability of COVID-19 rapid tests for students, faculty and staff starting Feb. 16

Starting Wednesday, Feb. 16, COVID-19 rapid testing kits will be available to all units to support our community’s health and safety.

As of Feb. 16:

  • Students may pick up rapid testing kits by showing their campus card to cashiers in Creelman Hall, Chef’s Hall in the University Centre and Starbucks in the library.
  • Students living in residence may pick up rapid testing kits from their residence desk.
  • Directors and unit heads who have not yet received rapid test kits to support their faculty, staff and graduate students will soon be provided with ordering information. Directors and unit heads will arrange for kit distribution in their areas.

What happens if someone in my class or lab has COVID-19?

U of G’s strong COVID-19 safety measures are helping create safe learning and working spaces for our community.

Based on these measures and public health guidance, as long as everyone in the space wears a mask and follows other health and safety protocols, if someone who attended class finds out that they have COVID-19, the course can continue in person and does not need to switch to remote delivery.

Students are asked to let their instructors know if they are isolating due to COVID-19 so that instructors are aware they will be missing class.

Remember to complete the COVID-19 Daily Screening form every day before you come to campus and stay home if you are sick.

Updated guidelines for hosting events on campus

The Framework for Events Occurring During the COVID-19 Pandemic outlines key event planning principles and public health guidelines that must be considered when planning a U of G event on or off campus. The newly updated framework outlines capacity limits, proof of vaccination information, screening, and event planning contacts and supports.

The framework may be further updated when the Government of Ontario increases capacity limits.

Parking on campus this semester

On-campus parking permits are available on a first-come, first-served basis. A limited number of faculty and staff permits are currently available for red zone lots. Student red zone permits are currently sold out; a wait list is available, and Parking Services will contact students on the list to begin purchasing permits Feb. 22.

Yellow zone permits are currently available for students, faculty and staff.

If you are interested in purchasing a permit for a specific zone or lot, access your account through the Campus Parking Services portal.

The University’s COVID-19 website is your best source of information on U of G’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Return to Campuses website provides essential information for those coming to campus. If you need to be on campus, make sure you complete the U of G COVID-19 Screening Form every day before you arrive.

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