Undergrads: Has a faculty adviser, program counsellor or academic advising staff member at U of G made an important contribution to your academic success? Individuals or groups in a role that involves academic advising can be nominated for the 2022 Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising Medallion. What a great way to show your appreciation! This annual award was created to recognize the work advisers do and the importance of academic advising to an undergraduate’s career.

UAIC Medallion

Nominations for the 2022 award are due by 4:45 p.m. on Feb. 4. Visit the Undergraduate Academic Information Centre (UAIC) website for award terms and conditions, a PDF of the nomination form and a list of past recipients.

How to submit a nomination:

  1. Complete the nomination form and supporting documentation found on the UAIC website.
  2. Submit the nomination package to the Council on Undergraduate Academic Advising via Shari Dorr by 4:45 p.m. on Feb. 4.

For more information about this award, contact Shari Dorr at s.dorr@exec.uoguelph.ca or 519-824-4120, Ext. 56648.

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