Updating our approach to rapid testing

The exceptionally high transmission rate of the Omicron variant and global supply chain shortages have created COVID-19 testing challenges around the world. To align with recent changes from the provincial government that address these challenges and to effectively manage our own supply of rapid tests, U of G has updated its approach to COVID-19 rapid testing.

U of G, including the Ridgetown Campus, will now use University-provided rapid antigen tests to respond to potential high-risk exposures in specific settings that the University has assessed as high-risk (e.g., rapid tests may be provided if there was a risk of exposure due to close proximity in a workspace or residence).

U of G will not provide rapid tests more broadly for general surveillance.

Shortly, the University will contact individuals responsible for areas and activities identified as high-risk to arrange distribution of rapid tests and provide guidelines for use. We appreciate your patience.

Those with approved vaccination exemptions must continue to take part in the U of G COVID-19 rapid testing program.

University Centre listed as community rapid test kit distribution location Jan. 10 to 12

Although the University has limited tests available, the Ministry of Health has selected U of G’s University Centre as a distribution point for its community rapid testing program.

A limited supply of rapid antigen testing kits from the Government of Ontario will be available to the broader community Jan. 10, 11 and 12 while supplies last. Distribution begins at 10 a.m. each day. Learn more on the Government of Ontario website.

What to do if you’re sick or have been exposed to COVID-19

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have had a positive COVID-19 test (rapid antigen test or PCR test), follow the instructions provided at https://covid-19.ontario.ca/exposed.

The Government of Ontario states that if you have symptoms of COVID-19 and are fully vaccinated, you must isolate for at least five days. Assume that you may have the virus and may be contagious.

The I Have Tested Positive for COVID-19 or I Am Feeling Sick: What Should I Do? page will be updated in the next few days. These updates will provide new guidance to support those with COVID-19 and help manage the risk on campus.

The University’s COVID-19 website is your best source of information on U of G’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Return to Campuses website provides essential information for those coming to campus. If you need to be on campus, make sure you complete the U of G COVID-19 Screening Form every day before you arrive.

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