The most recent U of G Senate meeting was held on November 22. Below are key highlights from the meeting. A full synopsis of the meeting is available on the University Secretariat’s website.

Senate Governance Review

Working group chair Dr. Ian Newby-Clark presented the Final Report of the Working Group on Senate Governance Review. The culmination of two years of work, the report contains 75 recommendations intended to improve and modernize Senate policies, practices and procedures. The recommendations will be considered by the appropriate standing committees of Senate over the next three years.

All members of the University community are invited to provide feedback on the report.

Leadership Updates

President Dr. Charlotte Yates, Dr. Gwen Chapman, provost and vice-president (academic), and Dr. Malcolm Campbell, vice-president (research), provided Senators with updates, including:

Revisions to the Policy on Co-operative Education Programming

Effective May 1, 2022, revisions to the Policy on Co-operative Education Programming will come into force. The most significant revision is the removal of the requirement to achieve a cumulative average of 70 per cent or higher after the first two full-time academic semesters to remain in the co-op program. This decision was informed by an analysis of senior co-op student work performance demonstrating that co-op students with lower cumulative averages still exhibit strong workplace performance and are typically rated as outstanding to very good.

A full summary of the revisions is available in the Senate meeting package.

Next Meeting of Senate

The next meeting of Senate will take place on Monday, Feb. 7, 2022. Visitors interested in attending the meeting are asked to register through the University Secretariat at by noon on the day of the meeting.

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