The following updates are provided by the Return-to-Campuses steering committee.

Proof of vaccination: Enforcement and expectations

Remember: Full vaccination is required for those coming to our campuses and facilities this fall and through the winter semester. The University of Guelph’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy is in effect until Sept. 7, 2022.

No matter where you are working or studying, please upload your proof of vaccination or an exemption request through the University’s Vaccination Proof and Exemption system. This information helps us better understand the vaccination rate in our community and helps ensure you will be able to come to U of G locations whenever you need to.

The University is tracking its vaccination rates and reporting the latest statistics daily online. You can learn more about our vaccination rate, including real-time vaccination stats, on the COVID-19 website.

If you are not coming to campus or University-managed facilities, you are not required to upload proof of vaccination.

Compliance and enforcement

Students – We are cross referencing records to identify students who are registered for in-person learning and who have not uploaded proof of vaccination or who do not have an approved exemption. We have sent reminders to these students about complying with the Vaccination Policy. Those who are registered for in-person learning and who are not in compliance by Oct. 15 will be de-registered. Those who are not registered for in-person learning are not required to submit proof of vaccination unless they intend to come to our campuses or facilities for other reasons.

Staff and faculty – Staff and faculty who are not in compliance with the Vaccination Policy will be placed on an unpaid leave. We have followed up with all those who have not yet provided their vaccination status. We are also following up with those who were denied an exemption. To learn more about how the vaccination requirement affects your specific work situation, please speak with your manager or supervisor.

The University is also exploring further enforcement methods for students, staff and faculty.

To protect our community members’ privacy, policy compliance will be managed centrally. Instructors and managers will not be provided with a list of students’ or employees’ vaccination status.


The University reviews faculty, staff and student exemption requests based on medical and other grounds protected under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Individuals waiting for a response to their exemption request are not permitted to access U of G campuses or University-managed facilities.

Those with an approved exemption must participate in regular rapid testing and must follow all COVID-19 safety measures, including daily screening.

Those who are denied an exemption are expected to comply with the University’s COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. Follow-up communications have been sent to these individuals, letting them know they must be fully vaccinated if they intend to come to our campuses or University-managed facilities.

Rapid testing compliance: Partially vaccinated or exempt

You must participate in U of G’s rapid testing program if you:

  • are partially vaccinated and waiting to be fully vaccinated, or
  • have an approved exemption.

Those participating in rapid testing must upload their test results to the University’s rapid test reporting system. The University is monitoring this system to ensure that individuals are testing regularly and will follow up with those who are not regularly submitting test results.

Study space on campus

Students can access the following on-campus spaces to study or to participate in remote learning :

University Centre
6:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily

  • UC Student Lounge – Level 1 (near the bus loop)
  • Peter Clark Hall – Level 0 – 62 individual study spots (available 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. only)
  • Individual study desks throughout Level 1 and Level 2

Summerlee Science Complex
7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

  • Atrium – reduced capacity to accommodate physical distancing

McLaughlin Library 
Hours vary

  • About 2,150 seats available
  • Lounge seating, tables and carrels available
  • Bookable individual study space and graduate study space

Guelph Gryphons Athletics Centre
Hours vary

  • UGAA Student Lounge – Level 2 – 30 spots
  • Limit of two people per table. Please do not move the furniture.
  • This is not considered quiet study space as there is an operational Booster Juice in the lounge and other activity happening nearby.
  • Students must swipe in at Client Services before accessing the UGAA Student Lounge.

Ridgetown Campus

  • Library – D.J. Pestell Student Service and Alumni Centre
    8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Alumni Lounge – New Agronomy Building
    Hours vary

Students have specific responsibilities when using on-campus study space. Learn more about them in the Student Study Space framework.

The University’s COVID-19 website is your best source of information on U of G’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Return to Campuses website provides essential information for those coming to campus. If you need to be on campus, make sure you complete the U of G COVID-19 Screening Form every day before you arrive.

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