The University of Guelph has temporarily modified its hazardous weather procedures in response to the continuing global COVID-19 pandemic.

Only face-to-face classes and exams being held on campus would be affected by inclement weather and the closure of the physical campus. Winter weather is not expected to significantly affect most U of G courses, currently taking place online, or most faculty and staff now working from home.

As such, it is anticipated that all online classes and remote exams will continue regardless of weather conditions or despite

U of G’s physical campuses being closed due to bad weather.

All staff and faculty working from home will continue to perform their normal responsibilities, where feasible, even if the physical campus is closed due to inclement weather.

There may be occasions when inclement weather could affect courses and exams being delivered remotely, for example, an extensive power outage or internet disruption. In those cases, the provost and vice-president (academic) will assess the impact on online classes and remote exams and will confirm if they are to procced as scheduled.

The U of G Gryphon statue covered in a dusting of snowIf the president decides to physically close the University of Guelph’s main campus because of bad weather before normal business hours, every effort will be made to communicate that decision by 6 a.m. through a bulletin on the University’s homepage.

Information will also be communicated via:

During inclement weather or a campus closure, only employees who have been informed in advance by their supervisors that they provide essential or required services would need to come to campus.

More information is available online in the University’s Hazardous Weather/Emergency Closing Procedures.

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