The following updates are provided by the Return-to-Campuses steering committee.

The University of Guelph continues to prioritize physical distancing. Access to campus remains limited to those approved to be on campus. For now, staff, faculty and graduate students able to work from home will continue to do so. Please do not come to campus unless you are conducting approved work, research, or teaching preparations.


Return to Campuses website gives guidance on gradual return

A new Return to Campuses website is now online providing useful information to faculty, staff and students approved to be on campus.

The site provides information on how to safely navigate campus spaces and information on important practices during COVID-19, such as wearing face coverings. It provides managers and administrative staff with quick access to the Physical Resources site to assist with ordering disinfectant and other cleaning supplies.

For those approved to come to campus, the site also includes a Before You Return checklist with steps to be completed every day before coming to campus.

If information on the website applies to specific work groups that do not have online access, supervisors are asked to print the information and post it in a central location.

The full Return to Campuses website is available through a link on the COVID-19 website or at


Accommodations for face shields when on campus

Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health does not consider face shields to be an equal substitute for face coverings (i.e., non-medical masks). However, for those who cannot wear a non-medical mask safely, face shields are considered better than wearing no protection at all.

If you are required to be on campus, have a medical condition, disability or impairment that affects your ability to wear a non-medical mask, and need accommodation (e.g., a clear plastic face shield, other accommodation, etc.), please contact:

  • Employees – Occupational Health and Wellness at and notify your supervisor. You are not required to disclose your specific medical condition to your supervisor.
  • Students – Student Health Services at 519-824-4120, Ext. 52131.

face shield should be used only if Occupational Health and Wellness or Student Health Services determine it to be an appropriate accommodation.


Accessing hand sanitizer while on campus

Physical Resources is installing and maintaining hand sanitizer dispensers near building entrances, washrooms, classrooms and elevators. Employees approved to be on campus who need more frequent access to hand sanitizer can work with their administrative assistants to order a pump bottle or a small personal bottle of hand sanitizer through the Stockroom.

Safety-related concerns can be directed to Environmental Health and Safety at Employee health-related inquiries can be directed to Occupational Health and Wellness at


The University’s COVID-19 website is your best source of information on U of G’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Return to Campuses website provides essential information for those approved to be on campus.

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