The following update is provided by the Return-to-Campuses steering committee.

On Monday, July 13, Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced the provincial government’s intention to move to Phase 2 (Stage 3) in the government’s reopening plan for Ontario. During the announcement, Premier Ford indicated this stage will last for the foreseeable future.

While the Premier announced plans that will allow most remaining workplaces to begin to reopen safely, the University of Guelph continues to prioritize physical distancing. Access to campus remains limited to those approved to be on campus. For now, staff, faculty and graduate students able to work from home will continue to do so. Please do not come to campus unless you are conducting approved work or research.

The University’s executive team, the Office of Research and the Return-to-Campuses steering committee are undertaking ongoing risk assessments and risk management planning for the gradual return to campus of faculty, staff and students. This planning will help the University determine how to safely operate within the various phases of the government’s reopening framework. More information on what this stage of reopening will mean for U of G will be available later this week.

For the most up-to-date information on access to University buildings and spaces, refer to the Buildings, Events and Services FAQ page on U of G’s COVID-19 website.


Phase in of research

The Research Phase-In Framework from the Office of Research will continue to be used by colleges, academic units and researchers to develop and approve the plans necessary to continue to increase research activities beyond what is currently approved.

Any research phase-in requires completion and approval of a Research Management Plan. The Research Management Plan includes assessment of research spaces and common spaces used by faculty, students and research staff, which will be supported by local joint health and safety committee members. Researchers, including graduate students, should only conduct research once their college has notified the Office of Research of their approved Research Management Plan and the notification has been confirmed.

Graduate students whose research was curtailed since the declaration of the pandemic state of emergency should work with their advisors to determine if and when they may resume their research activities.


Approved to come to campus? Take this course first

If you are approved to come to campus for work or research, it is strongly recommended that you complete the COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Awareness training through CourseLink before coming to campus.

To access the training, use the link above or log in to CourseLink and look under My Courses or the Self-Registration tab. A hard-copy version of the training will be available to managers and supervisors this week.

The University’s COVID-19 website is your best source of information on U of G’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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