The University of Guelph continues to operate and to provide necessary services to support its academic and research mission and operational and administrative functions.   Many employees are working remotely and many employees, due to the nature of their work, are still working on campus. As we all understand, these are very unusual and challenging times, requiring adaptation and flexibility.

The provincial government’s latest essential businesses classification, announced April 3, required the University to make some changes to building access. Although most buildings will be locked, faculty and staff will continue to have access as needed.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

More U of G News:

  1. COMMENTARY: Global Food Production Has Led to Major Biodiversity Loss
  2. Mental Health Talks Essential During Winter Blues, Says U of G Psychologist 
  3. Burst Pipe at OVC’s Health Sciences Centre: Temporary Closures 
  4. U of G Engineering Students Hoping to ‘Sleigh’ at Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race