Prof. Nita Chhinzer

VICE reports on those who are losing their jobs due to COVID-19 and how layoffs are being carried out remotely. A March 24 article quotes Prof. Nita Chhinzer, Department of  Management.  

Current mass layoffs have largely come after companies told employees to stay home, according to the story. That means layoff notices are coming through digital channels such as Zoom, Skype or email. Chhinzer said this method is the safe one.

“Heeding advice now in regard to safety trumps requirements for providing face-to-face disclosure,” Chhinzer told VICE. “There’s a general understanding now that some of these conversations, even things like performance reviews, are no longer taking place face to face.”

Chhinzer is a professor of human resources in the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics. Her current research focuses on downsizing practices, procedures and ethics.

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