Are You Ready? Emergency Preparedness Week

It’s national Emergency Preparedness Week, and U of G’s Campus Community Police want to make sure you’re ready for the unexpected.

Are you ready?

  • Have you added your cellphone number to your U of G Alert account so you can be easily reached during a critical incident on campus?
  • Do you have a home emergency plan for yourself and your family or housemates?
  • Do you have an emergency kit with supplies to get you through 72 hours without power or water?

If you work on campus:

  • Do you have a grab ‘n’ go kit ready in case you need to quickly leave your office or work station during an evacuation?
  • Do you have a work plan so that if an emergency happens during your work day and you’re not at your desk or work station, you can still get home with the things you need (e.g., keys, prescriptions you bring to work)?
  • What is your department or unit’s plan if the power went out for an extended period of time?

Use this week as an opportunity to familiarize yourself with your personal and work emergency plans. Don’t have one? U of G’s campus emergency coordinator can help. Email or visit Campus Community Police’s Be Prepared website.

A new emergency information page will be available soon on the Campus Community Police website.

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