Have your voice heard in U of G’s Diversity Matters survey.

At the University of Guelph, diversity, equity and inclusion matter. They are core values at U of G and are fundamental to who we are and what we do.

To help us create a better understanding of employment diversity at U of G, all faculty and staff are required to complete the University’s Diversity Matters survey. Access your unique, confidential survey through https://uoguel.ph/diversitymatters.

Whether you identify with an under-represented group or not, your participation is required. All faculty and staff are asked to complete the survey’s first question, indicating their choice to participate or not, and then choose whether they will complete the remainder of the survey.

U of G’s Diversity Matters survey:

  • Is confidential
  • Contains six short questions
  • Gives you the opportunity to self-identify with any of five under-represented groups: women, Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities and members of the LGBTQ+ community
  • Takes only a few minutes to complete
  • Gives you the option to decline some or all of the survey questions
  • Helps U of G meet federal requirements on diversity reporting

Please complete the survey by December 14. If you would like to complete the survey in an alternative format, contact the Office of Diversity and Human Rights at dhrinfo@uoguelph.ca or Ext. 53000.

Learn more about the survey on the Diversity and Human Rights website.

Everyone’s experience matters, including yours. Your feedback will provide valuable information that will help us set diversity and inclusion goals that benefit us all and help us in our commitment to improve life.

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