Next month, Animal Care Services will launch a new program to support animal research teams at U of G.

Cows feeding at the Livestock Research Innovation Corporation (LRIC)

The new post-approval review program works to support research teams, review animal activities and support training efforts. It will also help share knowledge and innovations between projects to benefit animal-based research across U of G.

The program was developed in consultation with staff and faculty who will use it, says Animal Care Services veterinarian Anna Bolinder.

New post-approval review coordinator supports researchers

Building on our existing strict animal care protocols, the new system helps us meet new requirements from the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC). The CCAC now requires all animal facilities to formally follow up on animal-based activities and protocols.

To help develop and implement that program, U of G hired Martha Smith, post-approval review coordinator. If you work with animals in your research at U of G, you can expect to hear from Smith soon to discuss the new program.

Animal Care Services will provide information about the new program on its website and will provide departmental training sessions and online tutorials.

Research animal care at U of G

The use of live animals in research and teaching is regulated and monitored at provincial and national levels.

On campus, the Animal Care Committee has full authority over animal use, and governs all decisions related to live-animal activities in research, teaching and at University events. The committee’s animal utilization protocols require a description of why and how animals are to be used for research purposes.

Learn more about the new post-approval review program on the Office of Research’s website.


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