Data is at the heart of successful, high-quality research. A data management plan (DMP) can help protect your research data and extend the reach of your research.Students at desks in the library with overlay of binary numbers

What is a data management plan?

Data management plans describe how researchers will work with project data.

A strong data management plan helps:

  • improve project efficiencies
  • reduce the risk of data loss, corruption or unintentional disclosure
  • comply with funding agency policies and application requirements and other legal, ethical and legislative obligations
  • inform decisions about long-term preservation and access to data after the project ends
  • increase the visibility and impact of your research through collaboration with other researchers

U of G is developing an institutional research data management strategy to ensure researchers mitigate risk and increase the visibility and impact of their research.

Free online tool for creating DMPs

DMP Assistant, a bilingual online tool from the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, helps researchers to create DMPs.

If you have questions about the DMP Assistant, or for one-on-one help creating a DMP, contact the library’s research and scholarship staff.

Learn more about data management plans on the Office of Research website.

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