Give yourself a mental health boost and learn more about available resources during U of G’s 1-in-5 Mental Well-Being Awareness Week.

From Nov. 5 to 10, take part in events around the University to help break down stigma and build up your mental health.

Full details are on GryphLife. You can also stay connected on social media using #1in5UoG.

One in five people faces a mental health challenge. Your U of G community is here to help.Students holding up shirts with 1 in 5 logo

“This time of year can be particularly challenging for students,” says Jean Thompson, wellness educator in the Student Wellness department. “In September, there is a big push of resource information, but as term papers start to come due and exams approach, students can use a reminder of what’s available and how we can help.”

Mental health resource fair – many resources in one place

Come by the mental health resource fair in the University Centre on Nov. 6 to connect with:

  • academic assistance – like the Library’s writing services
  • creative mental health boosters – like Art with Impact and a colouring station
  • cross-campus partners – like Student Life advisers, and Overlap (the company helping U of G develop its Wellness by Design student mental health initiative)

Workshops to support your well-being

Throughout the week, students can take part in stress-busting activities including athletics classes, sporting events and a free movie presented in partnership with Holocaust Education Week.

Sometimes, helping others can boost your own mental well-being. On Nov. 6, students are invited to help assemble Students-in-Touch care packages for students in need of a pick-me-up.

The week also includes workshops to help support your mental health:

  • Stress and Sleep Management – find out how to decrease your stress and improve your sleep – Nov. 7
  • Let’s Talk Mental Health Panel – hear staff and students’ personal experiences and ask questions about mental health recovery and maintenance – Nov. 8
  • How to Help a Friend – get tools to help you support the mental health of people you care about – Nov. 9
  • Perfectionism – learn to feel good about your own successes and not compare yourself to others – Nov. 10

You may see professors wearing 1-in-5 Week shirts during the week. Organizers say that there has been a great deal of interest from faculty and staff to support the event.

“We want students to understand that anybody can struggle and that everybody can help,” says Thompson.

Calendar listing events for 1 in 5 Mental Wellbeing Week