Your ideas can shape the future of mental health services at U of G.

Through its Wellness by Design project, Student Wellness Services is redesigning the delivery of their mental health programs based on student needs. Your opinion matters.Student Wellness Wellness By Design image - co-creating mental health services #wellnessbydesign

“Our new services will be based on what students tell us they need,” says Director of Student Wellness Alison Burnett. “We need to hear from students to understand how to best support them.”

How to get involved – Focus groups and personas

Take part in a focus group on Nov. 6 in the University Centre or Nov. 9 in the Athletics Centre. Share your experiences with mental health services on campus or talk about why you don’t use U of G services. Register in advance on the Wellness by Design page.

Visit the Personas Exhibit taking place in the University Centre Courtyard Nov. 6 to 10 and give feedback on the concepts provided. Are they accurate? Are you represented?

Get involved in the conversation!

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