Ted Dodds, an information technology executive with 25 years of experience, will return to the University of Guelph as interim chief information officer (CIO) starting Sept. 1.

The announcement was made today by Charlotte Yates, provost and vice-president (academic).

Yates said the University has proceeded with plans to improve services and strategic planning by separating the librarian and chief information officer portfolios.

Last week, Rebecca Graham was reappointed as University Librarian for a five-year term effective Sept. 1. She will continue to serve as CIO until Aug. 31.

Dodds will be on campus Aug. 9 to 11 meeting with information technology officials and staff in Computing and Communications Services (CCS).

Currently, Dodds heads a consulting firm in information technology for the higher education sector. Previously, he was CIO and vice-president, information technologies, at Cornell University; vice-provost, information technology, University of British Columbia; and director of computing services, University of Windsor.

He worked at U of G from 1980 to 1991 as a systems analyst and assistant director of the academic and application services.

Dodds holds an MBA from the University of Windsor and a BA from U of G.

The University created the CIO position in 2004 to oversee strategy and policy administration for the University’s information technology services and resources.

During the interim period, Dave Whittle, associate director, IT operations and infrastructure, will oversee operational management for CCS.








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