Provost and vice-president (academic) Maureen Mancuso has announced that Mike Ridley, chief information officer (CIO) and chief librarian, will complete his second term Jan. 1, 2012.

A search committee will be established to select a new CIO and chief librarian.

“Mike is a leader in this field,” Mancuso says. “His vision, skills and advocacy have resulted in groundbreaking initiatives over the years. He has built a knowledge infrastructure at U of G that is being emulated across the system, a foundation from which to build on our strengths.”

Ridley was U of G’s first CIO. The position was created in 2004 to oversee strategy and policy administration of the University’s information technology, services and resources.

As chief librarian for 15 years, Ridley was also responsible for the administration of the library.

“It has been a tremendous privilege to serve the University in these leadership roles,” Ridley says. “I have been honoured to work with exceptionally talented and progressive people.”

He plans to return to the University in 2014 after an administrative/sabbatical leave.

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