Profs. Dennis Baker and Troy Riddell, Political Science, co-wrote an op-ed column in the National Post on May 4. In the column, the authors discuss the concept of mandatory minimum prison terms, and suggest an alternative method of sentencing. Baker studies criminal justice and constitutional law. Riddell studies Canadian public policy and governance, with a focus on the criminal justice system.

Adam Hammond, English & Theatre Studies, wrote a book review in the Globe and Mail on May 4. In the article, Hammond review Karl Ove Knausgaard’s six-volume autobiographical novel, My Struggle. Hammond leads the Digital Humanities @ Guelph reading series run by the College of Arts, and is writing books on literature and the future of storytelling.

Prof. Miana Plesca, Economics and Finance, was interviewed by CBC Radio’s The 180 on May 3. Plesca discussed the issue of the gender-wage gap, especially in light of McMaster University’s decision to award all female faculty a yearly payment of $3,000. Plesca is currently completing a report for the Ontario Pay Equity Commission and recently held a workshop on the topic.

Prof. John Prescott, Pathobiology, was interviewed by the Toronto Star on April 28. In the article, Prescott commented on the recent report by Canada’s auditor-general that antimicrobial resistance is a growing danger, and Health Canada needs a national strategy to combat it. Prescott has studied the issue of antimicrobial resistance for three decades.

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