Prof. John Hacker-Wright, Philosophy, wrote an op-ed in the Toronto Star on Jan. 13. In the article, he says the terror attacks in France should be condemned, but also argues the cartoons that provoked the attacks should be defended while not being endorsed. Hacker-Wright studies ethics and the philosophy of action.

Prof. David MacDonald, Political Science, co-wrote a National Post op-ed article on Jan. 11. The article argues that John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first prime minister, held extreme racial views, especially on the Canadian government’s treatment of Aboriginal Peoples. MacDonald studies comparative indigenous politics in Canada.

Prof. Sylvain Charlebois, Marketing and Consumer Studies, was interviewed by Global News on Jan. 11 and by CBC News on Jan. 12. In the Global News video report, Charlebois discussed the rising price of food staples such as meat and vegetables. In the CBC report, he discussed what drives food innovations, notably health. Charlebois is the lead author of the annual Food Price Index, and studies supermarkets and food pricing.

Prof. Statia Elliot, Hospitality, Food and Tourism Management, was interviewed by the Canadian Press on Jan. 11 for a story on Global News, CTV News, and other news websites. In the story, Elliot discussed the potential impact of falling gas prices on Canadian tourism. She worked in tourism for more than 10 years, and researches tourism marketing and cross-cultural consumer behaviour.

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